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Posts posted by Casadream_1

  1. Hello,


    In the old version (which I didn't know) there was the possibility of configuring the front-end with the theme, accents and other things. I saw that this option has been "moved" but I don't see where, because if I change the url https://sub.domaine.com/admin/site-settings to https://sub.domaine.com/admin/site (as it was before the new version) I have a 404. Why didn't the devs keep this front-end configuration ? 



  2. Hello,


    The original topic is closed and it seems that no one is interested in the problem anymore.

    ph0b0s101 and I have the problem which is persistent.



    Please, development community, consider this.


    I just found something.

    If I go to the applications tab and come back to the dasboard.

    Everything works as before, I also see the disks.


    If I don't go to the applications tab, the disks are not visible and the dashboard is frozen.


    By going to the applications tab, the freeze does not systematically disappear.

    For it to truly disappear you have to scroll in the app tab.

    Then at this point there is no longer any freeze.


    See here please

  3. The problem is since 3 versions. 6.12.2, 6.12.3 and 6.12.4 I would like to find the functioning as before, the problem only manifests itself with Unraid. Services that require websocket work well, if I disable websocket the service does not work well, which shows that websocket works well with NPM except for unraid since a few versions.


    I use NPM jc21


    Thank you.

  4. Avez-vous le problème de cache sur le dashboard ?

    Style les jauges du processeurs sont inactives au bout d'un certain temps.

    Tout se fige. Je suis passé à la 6.12.4 hier, au reboot les jauges fonctionnaient, et puis ce matin plus rien (par reverse proxy).

    Après en local ça fonctionne, mais avant en distant ça fonctionnait bien depuis des années.

    J'ai désactivé le cache avec Nginx mais rien de mieux. Des utilisateurs sur le forum anglais ont aussi des soucis.

  5. On 5/17/2023 at 5:10 PM, autumnwalker said:

    Anyone using a reverse proxy and experincing this? I just flipped to Nginx Proxy Manager and experienced this again. Toggling "websockets support" immediately solved the problem in the Unraid dashboard for me.

    I have Websocket on NPM but the problem is here :(

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