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Posts posted by exibit

  1. For future readers, I just wanted to follow up with what worked for me. I have been using the same USB 3 port for my boot drive for over a year. For some reason (maybe the new processor I installed in my machine, or the latest version of Unraid?) using a USB 3 port with my boot drive now makes my system extremely unstable. All issues went away and I've had 2 weeks of uptime after simply moving my boot drive to a USB 2 port on my machine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  2. I'm having this exact same issue, and this seems to be the only thread I can find with the same symptoms. Random processes dying with exit code 135 in the system log, making the WebUI, SSH, and other services (i.e. Docker containers) unstable and inaccessible. I was already on 6.12.3 before this started occurring though, and I've introduced several changes into my (previously rock-solid) Unraid server this week:

    - Upgraded CPU from i5-10400 to i7-11700k

    - Added an RTX 3090

    - Upgraded Unraid from 6.12.3 to 6.12.4

    - Added several GPU-utilizing containers


    I'm also considering the possibility my current PSU just isn't strong enough (850 watts) to power my 12 drives _and_ a GPU, but I don't just have a spare lying around to test this theory - I would have to order one.


    @mwasserman, you don't happen to have a GPU in your machine?

  3. For those coming across this in a Google search (like me), the above pointed me in the right direction and I was able to get this to work by adding the following to my /boot/config/go file:

    # Disable DNS on KVM so PiHole container can use port 53
    # https://forums.unraid.net/topic/81356-libvirt-dns-disabled-at-boot/
    EDITOR='sed -i '"'"'s/<\/network>/  <dns enable="no"\/>\n<\/network>/g'"'"'' virsh net-edit default


    After rebooting, the above allows me to bind a PiHole Docker container to port 53 (without having to give it its own IP address on my local network). I tried using net-update first, but was getting the error "unrecognized section name 'dns'". This hackery of using sed as the editor for net-edit was the only way I was able to get this to work.

    • Thanks 1
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