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Posts posted by BreakfastPurrito

  1. Because of this bug I've had to switch from macvlan to ipvlan. The problem is that I can't reach any of the containers connected with ipvlan. I've tried everything, but I can't figure out what it is. This is the line I use to create the ipvlan:

    docker network create --driver ipvlan --subnet --gateway --opt ipvlan_mode=l2 ipvlan

    The symptoms:

    • I can start the containers and they show up as having the correct ip addresses and gateway when I do 'docker inspect' in the console.
    • It doesn't matter if I use L3 or L2.
    • It doesn't matter if I specify eth0 as parent or not. The containers won't start at all if I use br0.
    • The containers can ping eachother, but can't ping the outside world, like google.com.
    • I've tried creating the ipvlan in Portainer, but that gives the same result.


    I've looked everywhere, but every tutorial seems to just have it up and running after creating the container. All I want is that it works as easily as with macvlan. Why is it being so obtuse?

  2. Recently I upgraded to 6.12.6 from 6.11.1. Ever since then, I got crashes which after a bit of investigation were due to the macvlan bug introduced in 6.12.6. The first thing I tried was to remove the macvlan and create it again. However I am thwarted with the error 'gateway already in use'. I tried searching online or what that meant or how to solve it and got nowhere. (Sidenote: why is that error message so vague and unhelpful? A gateway is supposed to be used by multiple devices. It's a gateway. It has literally no other function than to serve multiple devices on a network.)


    People did suggest trying IPvlan instead, but I got the same error. I thought it might be a problem with Portainer, but I get the same error in command line.


    So today I decided I had enough and downgraded to 6.11.1 again. However, the problem hasn't gone away and I now also get the same error in 6.11.1, whereas before it used to run just fine. This is all very frustrating. Does anyone have a solution? I just want everything to work the way it did before.

  3. The error is not coming from any container, because I'm not interacting with any container. I'm trying to set up a macvlan. I haven't even gotten to the point where I attach it to a container yet.

  4. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    What do you mean by this? You should have either changed to ipvlan or disable bridging to keep using macvlan, that's all in the release notes.

    I tried those settings, it doesn't help. I tried every combination of those settings. No dice.


    As for the error, this is all I get:

    unraid fucks up macvlan.png

  5. Recently I upgraded to 6.12.6 from 6.11.1. Ever since then, I got crashes which after a bit of investigation were due to the macvlan bug introduced in 6.12.6. The first thing I tried was to remove the macvlan and create it again. However I am thwarted with the error 'gateway already in use'. I tried searching online or what that meant or how to solve it and got nowhere. (Sidenote: why is that error message so vague and unhelpful? A gateway is supposed to be used by multiple devices. It's a gateway. It has literally no other function than to serve multiple devices on a network.)


    People did suggest trying IPvlan instead, but I got the same error. I thought it might be a problem with Portainer, but I get the same error in command line.


    So today I decided I had enough and downgraded to 6.11.1 again. However, the problem hasn't gone away and I now also get the same error in 6.11.1, whereas before it used to run just fine. This is all very frustrating. Does anyone have a solution? I just want everything to work the way it did before.

  6. My server also started crashing after updating to 6.12.6. I use a macvlan for Pihole. I tried removing the macvlan and creating a new one, but now I'm getting the error "gateway already in use". Which is just the most useless error message. No shit the gateway is already in use. It's a gateway. But it's stopping me dead in my tracks. I get the same error message when I try to make an IPVlan. So now I have neither.


    I've been scouring the internet for the last few days trying to find a solution, but to no avail. Changing the setting described above doesn't help. I just want it to work the way it did before I updated.

  7. Every time I want to change the download location outside of /downloads/ I get a 'permission denied (13)' error. I have tried resetting the permissions in unraid for user 99/100, and I have tried making a new user specifically for Transmission with explicit access to the folders I want to use. I still keep getting the error.


    What can I do to fix this?

  8. I'm having a peculiar problem. I want to run transmission without a username and pass. If I remove the USER and PASS variables from the docker container, all my torrents disappear. As in, I just get an empty interface if I go to the Transmission web address. If I then put the USER and PASS back, my torrents reappear. This happens regardless of what user and pass I use. It also happens when I leave them both blank, or leave either blank.


    What am I doing wrong?

  9. I don't know if I'm in the right place, but I have a question about luckybackup.

    Is there a way to make it delete files first in a backup task instead of at the end of it? I keep running into the problem that my backup drive runs out of space. Both the backup drive and array are the same size, but it keeps overflowing because it only deletes files at the end of the task.

  10. 4 hours ago, alturismo said:





    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 0')" ).text("PUMP AC Eisbaer HPE");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 1')" ).text("VRM (1x 35)");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 2')" ).text("HDD Case (4x 80)");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 3')" ).text("PUMP AC Eiswolf II");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 4')" ).text("UNUSED");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 5')" ).text("Eisbaer HPE (3x 120)");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 6')" ).text("Eiswolf II (3x 120)");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 7')" ).text("UNUSED");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 8')" ).text("Front Case (3x 120)");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 9')" ).text("MOS (1x 35)");
        $( ".fan_view td:contains('FAN 10')" ).text("VRM (1x 35)");


    little trial & error ;)


    sadly i didnt manage to get FAN1 as unused (as its then also recognized in FAN10) as my java script knowledge's are not existent ;)


    Omg it works! Thanks so much!

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