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Posts posted by GoldenCyn

  1. Hello Unraid Community. I have a bit of an issue so let me break it down as quickly as possible;


    Unraid became unresponsive a few days ago. I did a reboot, things worked fine. Then it happened again and this time it would not boot up. I hooked up a monitor to my tower and saw that files failed checksum and the flash was corrupted. Oh no...

    My last flash backup was in May of 2022, and I have made changes to Unraid since then. I know i messed up by not setting up automatic backups and flash backups, but my system was running so smoothly that once it was set, I just forgot about it.

    Flash forward to now, December 2023. Flash drive is dead. I tried for 2 days using every recovery method under the sun. The flash drive was read/write locked. Anywho; I at least remembered the drive assignments.

    I read through the forums and decided to take action. I created a new Unraid Flash Drive, booted up, setup up a new config, arranged the drives how they were before, started the array. Parity synced fine. All my dockers apps appeared, even ones I deleted a while back. I could not edit any of them, and most did not work.

    I read through the forums and learned that I should just turn off docker, delete the docker image, restart docker and start from scratch. When I do this all the docker apps come back but with the same issues outlined previously.


    Here's my question:


    Can I backup my entire /appdata directory to another machine....

    Then restart from scratch installing each docker container one by one...

    Then copy over all the appdata that I backed up and overwrite the new appdata?


    Would that work? 


    Bonus question while I have you here: The flash drive that I'm using at the moment is not one that I'm confident with, and I did not retrieve my key yet and kept it in Trial mode. I want to get a better, more premium flash drive first before I commit because to my understanding, you can only transfer your key to a new flash drive once a year. Can you link me a tried-and-tested super reliable flash drive? For context, my old one was a SanDisk 16GB Ultra Fit USB 3.1. Thank you.

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