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Posts posted by EspenJQ

  1. Hi everyone!

    New to the forums and Unraid in general.
    I'm planning on migrating a Windows box I've been using as a server for a long time to Unraid. I've created a checklist for myself in order to ensure that Unraid can cover the same uses as with Windows. One of the last items on the list is CD ripping.


    There are several ways this can be solved. The easies is probably by passing through USB to a VM and ripping with a external optical drive.
    The thing is, I already have in internal drive, and would like to use it in order to avoid having to plug in and out an external drive.


    A VM could also do this task, but the drive would then be virtualized. EAC would in this instance not produce a verifiable log. An alternative is to get a sata/usb adapter and pass USB to a VM. I recon this would produce a valid log, as the drive is recognized over USB.

    What I'm hoping for is that, since a docker container of EAC exists on Github, that this can be used directly in Unraid, without having to use VM's. The docker is not listed in the community apps site as far as I can tell, but I've gathered that it is possible to install dockers not listed in community apps through advanced settings.


    Is there anyone here with any experience related to this last scenario? 



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