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Posts posted by timeforanewmac

  1. Thanks for the reply. I looked at the container's log prior to sending it and saw what the error was. Like some others have mentioned, I also didn't have the M after my memory allocation of 2048. So now it's 2048M, and running smooth with no crashes.


    I have no idea why it was fine for months and months and suddenly one day the M is gone. Oh well.


    I greatly appreciate the very helpful response!

  2. hello

    crashplan pro on my unraid server had been humming along for months, but recently it crashed and I haven't been able to get it going.

    restarted the server, did a parity check, restarted the docker crashplan app multiple times but it only runs for seconds

    have done a force update of crashplan docker app, and have also removed it and reinstalled it but still no luck

    I am really confused by a lot of this, and not sure what kind of support files I should attach here...but if anyone can suggest anything to try, let me know what type of additional info I can supply


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