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Posts posted by pugnobellum

  1. @ramair02


    I wonder how you got this working. I added the aliasgroup1 variable like you recommended. I am on unraid 6.11.5 currently, running SWAG, nextcloud, and mariaDB setup and of course trying to use the collabora app with nextcloud now for online document editing and just having no luck. I will attach my collabora.subdomain.conf file, and screenshots of my setup.


    I get a green checkmark in nextcloud, but when I load documents it fails every time. Here also is the collabora logs with errors. I have tried to follow multiple guides with no luck. I can provide any more info on my setup as needed.


    wsd-00001-00001 2023-07-05 14:12:00.194834 -0700 [ coolwsd ] INF  WSD initialization complete: setting log-level to [warning] as configured.| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:5700
    Ready to accept connections on port 9980.

    wsd-00001-00042 2023-07-05 14:12:11.870016 -0700 [ websrv_poll ] WRN  convert-to: Requesting address is denied: [my public IP]| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:3793
    wsd-00001-00042 2023-07-05 14:12:20.640023 -0700 [ websrv_poll ] ERR  unknown UI default's component UITheme| wsd/FileServerUtil.cpp:99

    Screen Shot 2023-07-05 at 4.20.14 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2023-07-05 at 4.21.32 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2023-07-05 at 4.27.11 PM.png


  2. EDIT: turns out the error didn't matter, followed the rest of the guide and its working just fine. Thanks so much for putting this together I've been meaning to up my security game after just using swag for my reverse proxy and this is a nice step in the right direction! May try 2fa next or something.


    Thanks for this! I followed guide so far and got this error:


    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=warning msg="Loaded 40 scenarios"

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=info msg="loading acquisition file : /etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml"

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=warning msg="No matching files for pattern /var/log/nginx/*.log" type=file

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=warning msg="No matching files for pattern ./tests/nginx/nginx.log" type=file

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=info msg="Adding file /var/log/crowdsec/access.log to datasources" type=file

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=info msg="Adding file /var/log/crowdsec/error.log to datasources" type=file

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=info msg="Adding file /var/log/auth.log to datasources" type=file

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=warning msg="No matching files for pattern /var/log/syslog" type=file

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=warning msg="No matching files for pattern /var/log/apache2/*.log" type=file

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=info msg="Starting processing data"

    time="25-02-2023 07:25:55" level=warning msg="/var/log/auth.log is a directory, ignoring it." type=file


    I attached a screenshot of my container configuration. Please let me know what I missed. Thanks!

    Screenshot from 2023-02-25 09-32-14.png

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