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Posts posted by ririzarry

  1. 52 minutes ago, Gragorg said:

    Couple question about ZFS.  I see that it can be used in a standard unraid array mixed with zfs or btrfs drives.  Does ZFS still use checksums if used in this manner?  If so is your data better protected against corruption?  Has Unraid stated if raidz will support expansion in the future?  Going forward once the bugs are worked out and a stable release has come out will ZFS be the preferred filesystem in standard Unraid arrays?

    You wouldn't mix ZFS and btrfs drives in the same array. You'd have separate arrays using one or the other. And, yes, ZFS is supposed to do a better job against corruption. As far as future ZFS expansion, that's been worked by the ZFS team for some time now. Will it be the preferred filesystem? I'm guessing no. The fundamental attraction of unRAID is the mixing and matching of drives along with easy expansion. ZFS doesn't provide that. 

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