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Posts posted by robertomano24_24

  1. Hello,


    I am to my wits end finally, and I am turning to forums for a last ditch effort. At least once a day, Unraid locks up and requires a forced reboot via SSH. Sometimes, even SSH will not respond, and I have to use the physical power button. I thought for sure it was because of my MacVLAN + static IP setup originally, but I had wanted to persevere to have visibility with my Unifi equipment into the containers on the network. Unfortunately, changing to IPVLAN did not solve the issue. I am still facing the same seemingly random lockups. I have tried new configs, rebuilding the array, changing from MacVLAN to IPVLAN, turning off VMs, disabling SMB sharing, removing all plugins, safemode, replacing dying disks, rebuilding parity, disabling parity, changing network configs, and new USB devices. I am on my 6th USB. I have attached my diagnostics. Is there anything you can see that might point me in the right direction to get my issues fixed?


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