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Posts posted by RebelLion1519

  1. Hello, thanks for this container!


    I just installed for the first time, did initial setup, added email to send resets, etc. Put behind reverse proxy with Nginx Proxy Manager and able to access at owncloud.mydomain.com.


    Then I got to what I thought would be the easy part, actually using, and I am getting errors. From Nautilus on my laptop (Pop!_OS 22.04), either logging in via the WebDAV link or from the desktop app (installed as AppImage, was having issues with getting the Ubuntu build to install), I am not actually able to make any changes. If I try to delete, add, or create a file, I get forbidden errors. I assume this is an operator error and there's something I need to enable or configure to allow changes. Where should I look?

  2. Just set this up, for now just with integrated graphics till I get my GPU moved over into my server. Installed, connected to via Steam Link, but Steam says that no internet connection is available. Other apps within the container's XFCE desktop can get online. The container network setting is set to Host. Is there something else I need to configure or assign? Sorry, this feels like a stupid question. 

  3. Hi, I'm trying to install Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server so that I can use Nextcloud Office. In the description it says


    "The download is rather big so it is possible you experience a time-out when using the web interface. You can use the OCC command line tool to install the built-in server:

    ```sudo -u wwwrun php -d memory_limit=512M ./occ app:install richdocumentscode```

    Where wwwrun is the user of your web server."


    Sure enough, if I try to install from the web UI, it fails to do so. Actually it will say that it's installed, but then I can't select it with Nextcloud Office settings and the next time I restart the container in the logs it will say Removing richdocumentscode. But I can't figure out where to run that command. If I go to the container in Unraid, select console and run 


    "sudo -u [My User in Nextcloud] -d memory_limit=512M ./occ app:install richdocumentscode" I get the error that the sudo user is unknown. Obviously this is operator error on my part, but I don't know how to install the CODE server from the terminal, or I should say I don't understand what I need to change from the command in order to install it in the terminal on UnRAID. Sorry for being a noob, but I would greatly appreciate it if someone could explain how to do this. Thanks. 

  4. Hello, 


    I know this is an old thread. I attempted to follow the steps to set up OnlyOffice:


    1. Created CNAME onlyoffice.mydomain.com

    2. Install and renamed container

    3. Added .conf to Swag

    4. Copied .crt and .key to onlyoffice's folder, rename

    5. Restart containers


    Now I'm in trouble. In the logs for Swag, it's looping

    "nginx: [emerg] "proxy_redirect" directive is duplicate in /config/nginx/proxy-confs/onlyoffice.subdomain.conf:16
    nginx: [warn] protocol options redefined for in /config/nginx/proxy-confs/onlyoffice.subdomain.conf:2
    nginx: [emerg] "proxy_redirect" directive is duplicate in /config/nginx/proxy-confs/onlyoffice.subdomain.conf:16
    nginx: [warn] protocol options redefined for in /config/nginx/proxy-confs/onlyoffice.subdomain.conf:2
    nginx: [emerg] "proxy_redirect" directive is duplicate in /config/nginx/proxy-confs/onlyoffice.subdomain.conf:16
    nginx: [warn] protocol options redefined for in /config/nginx/proxy-confs/onlyoffice.subdomain.conf:2
    nginx: [emerg] "proxy_redirect" directive is duplicate in /config/nginx/proxy-confs/onlyoffice.subdomain.conf:16"


    Not only is the OfficeOffice subdomain not working, now my other reverse proxies, Nextcloud and Jellyfin, aren't working either. Help!  

  5. Hello, 


    I have been trying to set up an online office suite in Nextcloud for a while and I've gotten nowhere. I'm running the Linux Servers Nextcloud container behind the SWAG proxy, Nextcloud is accessible at nextcloud.mydomain.com. I've installed the Collabora CODE container and also have it behind the proxy, at collabora-code.mydomain.com. When I enter my document server's IP and port or domain link in Nextcloud, I get "Could not establish connection to the Collabora Online server." If I try to go to the Collabora CODE web UI, there's a dialog to enter my username and password, and it just loops, enter credentials, dialog box remains. Obviously I'm missing something somewhere, but I don't know where to go from here. 



  6. 9 hours ago, itimpi said:


    Not sure why you are being prompted but this section of the online documentation should help.


    No reason any of the other bits of the configuration should be lost.

    Thanks. So I should be okay to create a new password and login, with everything there? I assume I assign disks again, then start the array and am off to the races? I've since boot with a Pop!_OS live USB to confirm that the drives still have my files on them, I'd hate to accidentally erase them at this point.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Vr2Io said:

    No data lost. But why don't restore all from zip file, instead config folder only.


    If USB have change, it should ask to confirm licence migrate to new USB.

    Same USB, backup is of 6.11, wanted to set to 6.12, hence only the /config folder. The original plan was only to remake the USB with 6.12. Then other factors beyond UNRAID led to building a new server (other hardware is now being used elsewhere).

  8. Hello,


    I rebuilt my server on a new motherboard. Previously was an AMD AM4 board, now on an Intel LGA1700 board. I saved a backup of my USB, and re-imaged the USB with my /config folder copied from the backup. Just booted the new build for the first time, and at tower.local I'm being asked to create a new password, when I expected it to have my old password and need me to login back in. Before I continue, wanted to confirm if my previous configuration is gone. I still have the backup .zip, it is likely that I did something wrong creating the USB. If my config is lost, that's really not the end of the world.....but is my data potentially lost as well? What should I do to be sure my data's backed up before I proceed?



  9. 1 hour ago, chandz05 said:

    Can you see your graphics card in the VM? Hopefully someone else with a discrete AMD graphics card can help you from here

    I had decided to just use a traditional VM with GPU passthrough and give up on steam-headless, but I wasn't having much luck with GPU passthrough either, and now I've broken something and I can't get my server to boot at all. I'm at the point where I'm strongly considering buying a cheap CPU/mobo for the server, and moving my current CPU/mobo and GPU to a new gaming only rig. Which is too bad, I really loved the idea of being able to use UNRAID to have one PC do everything I needed. Sorry, just a little exasperated.

  10. So after further fiddling, I've gotten Steam to stay open in the VM. Games themselves aren't opening, though. Steam shows they're open, and Steam Link shows that there's a game in progress. But the game never actually appears. If I go into System Settings in Steam though, I don't think it's detecting my actual graphics card. Maybe that's the problem, it's trying to run stuff on the virtual card? I have the Radeon TOP plugin installed, am I missing a step?

  11. 10 hours ago, chandz05 said:


    Sure! For -vgui, in the VM, navigate to this location: 


    and edit (right-click->open with->gedit) the Steam.desktop file. At the end of the "Exec" line, add "-vgui" and save. Since this is the autostart file, I would do a container restart. I believe you can edit the Steam executable itself, so it will start with -vgui enabled whenever you open Steam, but I did it the autostart way. When the container restarts, Steam should load up. At this point, only the store page was loading for me. In Steam, on the top menu, click "View -> Small Mode". Your steam library games list should pop up. You can also switch to Big Picture mode from the View menu, but like I said, I have not had success with that.


    Edit: it is worth noting that as time goes on since the new Steam UI was launched, the old UI seems to get more and more broken, so there may be a point where this workaround will not work at all

    You got me closer than I've ever gotten, I really thought it was going to work. Steam actually opened, long enough to connect on remote play. But after it's been open a few minutes, it disappears to the system try, and the TV with remote play is just showing the VM desktop. I've tried restarting multiple times, same thing every time. Steam--even the old UI--won't stay open for more than a couple of minutes. I'm really frustrated.

  12. 5 hours ago, chandz05 said:


    Hello, so I have been lurking this thread and testing out this container on UnRaid 6.12, then 6.12.2 and now 6.12.3. I was also getting the never-ending "Loading User Data" screen on 6.12.2, and the -vgui launch option didn't seem to work. However I have now done a clean install on 6.12.3 and -vgui *does* work, steam launches beautifully, but some of the screens (including the library lol) do not load. The workaround for that is to hit "view"->"small mode". This will load your library list, with none of the fancy game art. It is worth noting that I am *not* using a dedicated GPU but have passed-through my Intel CPU integrated graphics (/dev/dri). I can install and launch games (tested with FTL). There is a caveat though, which kinda defeats the whole purpose of the being "headless" - with -vgui enabled, Big Picture mode is also broken. It just doesn't load. It seems like Steam has also removed the option of loading into the old Big Picture mode. I am assuming the reason the new Steam UI/BPM doesn't load is because I'm using integrated graphics, so I am hoping someone with a dedicated GPU can now test this and get it working on 6.12.3+

    Hey, I finally successfully downgraded to 6.11.5, and I'm still having issues. The "loading user data" window goes away, and I think Steam is running in the system tray. But I can't actually get the Steam interface open. I only need to be able to get Steam Link connected to my TV, then I'm fine with a UI in the container. I'm on an AMD dGPU now. Forgive my not understanding what you mean, but how do you apply the -vgui workaround? How do you get the "small mode" option? 

  13. Hello!


    I downgraded from 6.12.2 to 6.11.5 because I had some things that weren't working in 6.12. I downgraded by making a new USB with 6.11, but with my previous /config file. Support transferred my license, the array starts, parity is being checked, and all my containers are there. But when trying to start any of them, I get an error. What should I do?

    Screenshot from 2023-07-17 06-27-48.png

  14. Just now, itimpi said:

    Have you ensured that the flash drive is set up with a single partition and formatted as FAT32 before you try and copy any files to it?


    Yes, after first trying just copying to the drive didn't work, I reformatted to a single FAT32 partition again and started fresh. Here's how it now shows in GNOME Disks on my PC.

    Screenshot from 2023-07-15 10-16-54.png

  15. Hello, I was trying to downgrade to 6.11 for Steam Headless support. I misunderstood the downgrade instructions and was not able to boot. Now I can't boot from a restored USB either. Certain I'm doing something wrong.


    I'm on Linux, so I'm trying to do the manual method. I've got a backup from my USB before attempting to downgrade. Have tried to format the same USB with my backup files, and in the process the USB has now been reformatted.


    Can I still restore a backup to that USB, or do I now need to use a new USB to restore the backup to? I think if I have to use a new USB, I'll have to contact Support and get my key moved? I only moved it to this USB a few weeks ago.


    Regardless of whether I'm using the same USB or a new one, I'm evidently not doing the manual creation right.


    USB 1: Had UNRAID on it before, attempt to downgrade, have now reformatted completely in attempts to restore

    USB 2: Brand-new drive identical to USB 1, same pack, that I could use if that's recommended since the first one has been reformatted


    Either way, my understanding of the process is:

    1. Insert USB to PC

    2. Copy files from backup to USB

    3. Copy make_bootable_linux to PC hard drive

    4. Unmount USB

    5. Run sudo bash make_bootable_linux

    6. Eject USB

    7. Plug into server and boot


    But that isn't working for me. I get an output saying that the drive is now bootable, almost instantly. But then the server never comes online. What am I doing wrong? I'll be going to a family member's house later today anyway, and will have access to a Windows machine. So I can try the easy installer method as well. Whichever is the best method to get my USB restored from my backup and my server back online.




  16. On 7/6/2023 at 8:19 PM, Josh.5 said:

    The downgrade process is simple enough and my initial impression for the past few mins is that there are not problems with it.
    I am not running any VMs so I cannot say anything about that. But for Docker containers and plugins, it is fine to downgrade to 6.11.5 as I have just done.
    All I did was:

    1. Download the 6.11.5 tar from their website.
    2. Put the USB stick in my PC.
    3. Create a backup of the whole USB stick.
    4. Extract the 6.11.5 tar on my PC.
    5. Copy everything EXCEPT for the `/config` directory to the USB stick.
    6. Safely remove the USB stick, put it back in the server and boot it.
    7. Profit... All issues are now resolved if you run the older NVIDIA driver.

    Decided to wait until I got my new GPU (RX 6700 non XT, so still no NVIDIA workaround for me) installed before messing with this, so just now attempting to downgrade. Downgrading makes me nervous, so if you don't mind, I just wanted to double-check some stuff before starting. 


    After I back up the USB and download and extract the previous OS version, I can literally delete all the folders except /config from the USB and just paste in the folders (except /config) from the OS download? I assume if things go bad I can similarly just copy from the backup back to the USB? I'm both on Linux, without the Windows easy installer, and also still not super comfortable in the command line. 


    Once I'm on the prior version, will I need to do anything to prevent upgrading again? I'm not familiar with unRAID's version support, will it be okay to stay on 6.11 or will it no longer be maintained in the near future?


    Sorry for the noob questions. Thanks so much for your help and for this container! I'm really excited about the idea of it. 

  17. 14 minutes ago, Josh.5 said:

    Do not upgrade to Unraid 6.12. I cannot express enough how annoyed I am with the amount of time I've wasted this week upgrading my system to 6.12 to explore this issue. This is headache inducing. The OS version has so many underlying issues that are not at all related to Steam Headless and is preventing me from be able to even improve the container. Eg. issues with the mover. Issues with services like SSH just stopping outright, issues with Dockerd.
    I cannot stress enough, do not upgrade to 6.12.x. If you are on 6.12, then consider backing up your /config directory on your USB stick and downgrade back to 6.11. This is what I am doing at the moment.

    Oh man, that's a major bummer. Sorry that you've been getting frustrated about this. I'll look into downgrading this weekend.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Josh.5 said:

    Looks like it may be related to this:



    I'll be looking into this issue this week. Will post here with updates as they happen. In the meantime, try that workaround by adding the flag for running the old UI.

    Thank you for looking into it! I will be eager to see the updates! I am afraid I'm very much a noob, how do I add that flag to launch with the old UI?

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