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Posts posted by Homebrewzero

  1. I would have media( Videos/Music) and possibly network labs( wont be always on)  on my Normal HDD for 4k Streanimng,  SSD would be for VM/Docker Game server that will run 100% of the time. The cache, I'm, not sure what to use it for. 

    HDD Storage, and Streaming media 
    SSD  Sonarr/Radarr/Plex/NZBGet Nextcloud REtro NAS ... 
    Cache, Not sure what should go here. 

    Questions, What are scheduled Mover runs?


  2. I've outgrown my Synology NAS, and I now building a new server and looking to use UNRAID as my NAS homelab server. 

    Hardware I have or am planning on getting  
    Intel-5 (buying) 
    64 GB of ram ( buying )
    2 x 1 TB NVME ( already have) 
    1 x 256G 2.5 SSD (already have) 
    4 x 14 TB HD ( already have) 

    I plan on running plex, sonarr,radar,overseer,overseer,calibre,grocy, hydra, NZBget, retroNAS,nextcloud  and probably some game server. 

    Do I use the 2 x 1TB NVME drives as a separate storage(1TB) pool for the HDD to run docker and VMs, or do I set them up as a cache? I have an extra 256G SSD from another project, could I use that as an SSD Cache? 


  3. for any of those are are curious I have figured it out. I am able to do this because I do have an OOB DRAC access.  

    1.) Physical port plugs into the Server -> VM Firewall WAN -> VM Firewall LAN -> Unraid  vlan.xxx. If I need to reboot the trail version and need internet access. I just add a public IP to the unraid no-firewall port, pull the license, turn on the array, remove the IP and turn on the VM firewall. It is a few extra steps but work with the trail version. 

  4. Thank you, I should be able to get this going in my environment, it is not optimal. I'm not storing any personal  information I just don't want my lab/gaming server to get owned. I should be able to use the bridge network to the VM ( proxy ARP the IP to firewall) and point the unraid server to firewall (VM) unraid seems to be the only OS option I have found that easily lets me manage Docker and QEMU items easily.  I should be able do this with out any additional ethernet cables, and if I need to get into the system. I have remote console access via Idrac, and change the GW to turn it on. 


  5. Harding Unraid. So I doing a trail of unraid, and I have this dedicated server sitting in a colo with DIA(Direct internet Access) I can only access it via DRAC and Public IP. I was wondering if there is a good way to harden the server. My idea is to install PFSense as a VM. Have the PF sense proxy arp and point the unraid server gateway to the PFsense VM image. Is this possible? 

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