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Posts posted by KingDaveRa

  1. 16 minutes ago, Jturner said:

    Yeah I don't know why it works fine for me. Last thing you could try would be to change the folder permissions in the unraid CLI using 

    chmod 777 -R /mnt/user/minio


    Just tried that. No good.


    16 minutes ago, Jturner said:

    Does the container install but just not run, or see does it spit the error out when trying to install?


    It installs, starts, but errors repeatedly thus:


    Time: 23:38:20 UTC 09/12/2022
    DeploymentID: 948e6b12-d5c6-40b3-8f64-87a1dd562abd
    Error: write /data/.minio.sys/tmp/84585580-0ec3-440d-860f-924ef3cf14ba/xl.meta: invalid argument (*fs.PathError)
           6: internal/logger/logger.go:259:logger.LogIf()
           5: cmd/storage-errors.go:174:cmd.osErrToFileErr()
           4: cmd/xl-storage.go:2387:cmd.(*xlStorage).RenameData()
           3: cmd/xl-storage-disk-id-check.go:373:cmd.(*xlStorageDiskIDCheck).RenameData()
           2: cmd/erasure-object.go:736:cmd.renameData.func1()
           1: internal/sync/errgroup/errgroup.go:123:errgroup.(*Group).Go.func1()
    Waiting for all MinIO sub-systems to be initialized.. possible cause (Unable to initialize config system: migrateConfigToMinioSys: Storage resources are insufficient for the write operation .minio.sys/config/config.json)


    Interestingly, the /data/.minio.sys/tmp directory all gets created by Minio at first start. It's the GUID and below that fails. And yes there's plenty of space!

  2. That's what I did. Created a dedicated Minio share, no cache, and mapped it to /data. I even went into the docker console and manually tried creating files in /data, and it works fine. Just the Minio process (which seems to be running as root?) can't do it.

  3. Thanks all for the speedy replies. I've just set the cache minimum and lo' it's now doing what it should do. Thank you all for saving this dumbdumb's sanity!


    I hadn't intended on setting all the shares to cache, so I might take some of them back off. Certainly the media shares rarely change so there's absolutely no benefit to those being cached. I do intend running a few docker applications so yes, I want them on the SSDs for definite. I think I'll play about a bit and see what works best. I'm keen to have the disks spin down and not be randomly spinning up through the day, as that won't do them any good. I'm doing it more to save on noise and heat than anything anyway. The energy savings are negligible.


    Thanks again, everybody. :)

  4. Hi,


    I'm currently trialling unRAID, having been using TrueNAS for quite some time. I'm liking it on the whole, but one thing totally vexing me is the cache feature. I've searched the forums and found post saying 'set the minimum' and no response beyond that. I've read the docs, googled, posted on Reddit, and asked on Discord. I'm still no further along with this.


    I've got three 6TB drives in an array (one is parity) and two 250GB SSDs in the cache. The array is encrypted with a passphrase. The array is xfs, and the cache btrfs, I just accepted the defaults there, except swapping to the encrypted filesystem option. It's a J4105 with 16GB of RAM, and otherwise running nicely.


    I've set all my shares to use the cache, and set the cache pool to 'yes'. I've also set minimum filesizes for all the shares to reflect the maximum file sizes; they're different per share as I have 'TV', 'Movies', 'Music', and a general 'Shared', so I've set them accordingly. I then rebooted to ensure the minimum filesize setting is working per direction over on Discord.


    However. It doesn't work. I left it copying files into the Music share today (using FastCopy), and it stopped having run out of space. Sure enough, the cache shows as being full. If I try and copy a file in (from windows to a UNC path), it says it is full and there's no free space. The file is 20Mb, yet the share minimum filesize is set to 200Mb


    So I'm baffled. I've collected the log files and see no errors. I've poked about everywhere I can think to look, but I'm no wiser.


    I want to use the cache for two reasons - 1. I will have Windows backup running on my desktops and they'll be randomly throwing files at it, so it keeps the disks spun down, and 2. my hard drives are shingled (BOOO!!! Only just found this out), which is why I left TruNAS as ZFS and shingled disks do not get along. unRAID makes a lot of sense to me, apart from the fact it's misbehaving seemingly.


    Thanks in advance. 


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