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Posts posted by QVjS1tq2ZYkfp9xtLpHlK2kUt32LBhku

  1. I can't start a new instance of wekan in unRAID unfortunately. It gives an error in docker whether I use the default value for the mongoDB instance or I provide my own URL from mongoDB cloud atlas.


    Error: `docker: links are only supported for user-defined networks.`


    There is a `--link` argument in the docker up command:

    `--link "MongoDB:db" 'wekanteam/wekan'`

    EDIT1: You have to click 'advanced' view on the top right when initializing the docker image and then remove the `--link` parameter. Now I've started the docker container but I get a 'Unable to connect' error when opening the 'Web View' link in the Wekan docker menu.

    EDIT2: Giving up for now. I think the version of MongoDB that Wekan is using is a lot older and it can't parse the `mongo+srv://` connection string format that MongoDB 6.0 Serverless is asking me to use.

    If I use a legacy connection string from mongoDB atlas I get 'no replica sets found' and if I use the `mongo+srv://` connection string it says it's unable to connect.

  2. On 5/14/2018 at 7:09 PM, BobPhoenix said:

    Then I added the following to fstab and rebooted:

    unraid        /unraid            9p         trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev,rw 0 0

    I have no idea how or why but this still works perfectly. Thanks! Does it mount the disks correctly? I don't want to access them over slow SMB...

  3. I'm having the same exact issue. Copying from Windows 11 to unRAID and when copying from Ubuntu 22.04 to unRAID. I'm averaging 11-12MB/s which is abysmal. What might be the culprit is my cheap PCI-E 1x -> 8x sata adapter but I'm not 100% sure. That only manages 8 of my 12 drives so I feel like the speeds should at least be a lot higher 33% of the time but that doesn't seem to be the case.


    I just finished a parity check and it averaged ~55MB/s so I know the internal speeds are good. The weird thing is that if I do a speedtest.net I get 1000mb up and 1000mb down easily from my desktop but if I start a transfer to unRAID and then do a speedtest simultaneously I get 10mb up/down on speedtest.net. So somehow the network is fully saturated only when transferring to unRAID? It's extremely peculiar. Not sure how to proceed. I downloaded iperf but that needs it running on both ends? And I have Windows 11 -> unRAID and Ubuntu 22.04 -> unRAID so not sure how to test what the real issue is.


    EDIT: OMG I just checked my unRAID server just in case and it's showing 100mbps ethernet link speed... no idea why that's the case though. I have a B550M PRO-VDH WIFI motherboard which shows its network card is 1x Realtek® RTL8111HN Gigabit LAN...

    EDIT2: After switching ports on my switch the link went from 100mbps to 1000mbps and transfers went from 11/12MB/s to 111MB/s. Glorious!

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