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Posts posted by daldridge

  1. On 8/10/2021 at 10:45 PM, KomaCL said:

    If you are like me annoyed by "Remember me" not working properly and don’t want to authenticate every day on every device,

    just add a path mapping in redis container like this and it should be fixed

    Container Path: /bitnami/

    Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata/redis/bitnami


    edit: this path mapping is for bitnami/redis only, other redis container could be different

    I noticed that I if I used the "redis" hostname in my Authelia config things break as well. I do wonder if it's just something with this docker. Thanks for the fix, I was starting to think I was going crazy.

  2. 21 minutes ago, paaland said:

    You can run docker-compose via docker. Put this in your /boot/config/go file to create an alias docker-compose that downloads docker-compose and run it in docker. The benefit is that it's always running the latest version, so you don't even need to update it.


    alias docker-compose="docker run --rm \
        -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
        -v '$PWD:$PWD' \
        -w='$PWD' \


    Right on with that. Your method is definitely different from what I've been doing, so I'll need to look into that. I've been using docker-compose for a while now, I had a desire to get Spaghetti Detective running, and now I have that and TeslaMate running using docker-compose. I've been running both of these for six months or so, and actually the documentation from The Spaghetti Detective github was super helpful in getting things setup.


    This was very helpful for me @Tim Long


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