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Posts posted by Sardine8207

  1. I've had read errors multiple times, in my experience it's always been due to those fragile SAS breakout cables going bad.  I had my server wall mounted, and the drive trays would slip down occasionally, pinching/chafing the data cables.  You will get some better advice here soon enough.


    Have you run a smart report on the disk?

  2. I created a second (duplicate) WG tunnel via .conf import, and I'm unable to edit it.


    Background - I'm configuring Wireguard for an off-site backup machine.  The intent is for it to connect to wireguard running on pfSense, and from there have access to the trusted LAN.  


    I have an Unraid config that *seems* to work (I'm currently testing on the LAN, so I'm not 100% it's going to work).  I wanted to compare what I did manually vs. the .conf exported from pfSense. 


    I exported the config from pfSense, didn't change any of the names/keys/anything, and imported to Unraid.  The newly created wg1 tunnel is not editable. I assume this is because there's duplicate naming that's confusing things (in theory it's two identical tunnels).  I am also unable to create new tunnels using the 'Add Tunnel' GUI button.


    To solve my immediate problem, can anyone tell me where the wireguard configs are stored so that I can manually delete/edit the problem wg1 tunnel?



  3.  Not sure if the VM was preventing the upgrade. Maybe the unraid update process reverts to the original version if the update reboot is unclean?  That or it was 2 separate issues and something else glitched preventing me from upgrading. 


    Manually extracting the update files in the boot drive allows the update to happen anyhow, so I suspect 2 issues.



  4. Awesome info - 99% it's a VM I set up not so long ago that's running out of time on shutdown.  I've only given it 2-cores and 4G ram because its only purpose is to be an always-available destination for scans from a crappy printer.  It's VEERRRRYYYY slow to do anything related to starting and stopping.


    Edit: Bingo!  Found this in syslog:

    Aug 12 14:35:56 Farhills1 root: The following VMs are still running, forcing shutdown: Windows 10 - Scans



    Thanks again for all the help.  2 for one in this post!

  5. Had some time with nobody on plex this afternoon to update and reboot.  Worked just as described!  Thanks :)


    Every reboot is still showing unclean shutdown, but I'll make another post for that issue if needed.  Looks like another cable has gone bad (read errors on a disk causing it to disable during parity check), so will fix that first.

  6. Tried the downgrade to 6.9.1.  It's still getting stuck on the same step writing the archive to flash. 


    The server began a parity check after the last reboot, sure enough there's an entry in the log for unclean shutdown detected.  Not sure why this got flagged since all restarts have been cleanly initiated from the web GUI.  Maybe this is causing the update script to fail silently?  In any case I've started a parity check now and will let it run, then reboot and see where things stand. 


    Is there anything else I can check/try while the parity check grinds along?

  7. Since posting I rebooted the server and tried to update again.  It's hanging on this step every time:


    plugin: updating: unRAIDServer.plg
    plugin: downloading: https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.10.3-x86_64.zip ... done
    plugin: downloading: https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.10.3-x86_64.md5 ... done
    writing flash device - please wait...
    Archive: /tmp/unRAIDServer.zip


    Would I be better trying to upgrade to 6.11-RC3 then down to 6.10.3?  or downgrade to 6.9.1 then try going up to 6.10.3?


  8. I must have missed a few memos because my OS are way out of date so I'm catching up on updates.  One of my servers is stalled during update from 6.9.2 to 6.10.3.  Before I kill the process, reboot or do anything else, would appreciate some guidance on next steps.


    As of now it's been sitting for about 20 minutes:


    Aug 11 10:13:08 Farhills1 emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin update unRAIDServer.plg
    Aug 11 10:13:08 Farhills1 root: plugin: creating: /tmp/unRAIDServer.sh - from INLINE content
    Aug 11 10:13:08 Farhills1 root: plugin: running: /tmp/unRAIDServer.sh
    Aug 11 10:13:08 Farhills1 root: plugin: creating: /tmp/unRAIDServer.zip - downloading from URL https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.10.3-x86_64.zip
    Aug 11 10:13:11 Farhills1 root: plugin: creating: /tmp/unRAIDServer.md5 - downloading from URL https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.10.3-x86_64.md5
    Aug 11 10:13:11 Farhills1 root: plugin: creating: /tmp/unRAIDServer.sh - from INLINE content
    Aug 11 10:13:11 Farhills1 root: plugin: running: /tmp/unRAIDServer.sh



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