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Posts posted by Keeper317

  1. I followed this guide and got the basic connection working, but I am having issues with accessing dockers and VMs with custom IPs. 
    My "Use NAT" is set to "No"
    "Host access to custom networks" is enabled
    I have a static route setup in my router
    "Enable bridging" is set to "Yes" in my network settings

    I have 2 peers, a "Remote tunneled access" and a "Remote access to LAN". Both can connect and handshake with no problems. I can access the unraid webUI but neither allows me to access anything outside of unraid server's IP. I can access my dockers that are on br0 but nothing that uses a custom IP, nor any of my VMs or other devices on my server's LAN.

    Any ideas would be welcomed, have been pulling my hair out for a few days trying to figure this out. I can post images or anything to give more context if needed.

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