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Posts posted by Masalajam

  1. unRAID will still recognize the drives and current array even after hardware changes assuming you have a valid configuration. No need to start over. Typically, just plug the USB into the new server with the same drives and it will boot and work just like nothing was changed.


    So is the drive order irrelevant? I can plug the existing drives in any order into the new server, and Unraid will detect which drive is Parity and what drives are  Data?



  2. I have an old Unraid 6 server (built sometime in 2010) that is failing. Rather than spend anymore time diagnosing the server, I'm just going to cannibalize the case and power supply, and build something new.


    I'd like to move the disks from the old server into the new machine. What is the best procedure for moving drives with existing data on them to a new build. The new build will have a 4TB parity so that I can add larger drives in the future. Do I just move all the drives over to the new server without a parity drive, and assign the new drives as data? Do I then add the new 4TB drive as a parity drive?


    The Unraid 6 manual is not very helpful here.



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