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Posts posted by cherrymomo

  1. 7 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    That's why I recommend to append this to the go file:


    this will solve this.


    So there is no difference in power usage...?

    I thought there was a massive difference...

    I do not know whether there is a difference in the peak voltage of the gpu in each driver version, but in the three versions of the idle state voltage only 1-2w difference (the highest 7w lowest 5w)


    All results were obtained after I reinstalled the driver, normal upgrades may vary

  2. 1 hour ago, ich777 said:

    Thank you for the report.


    There is literally nothing I can do about that because this is the proprietary driver from Nvidia and you should report that on the Nvidia Forums.


    Another thing to keep in mind or at least before you report that if this is a measured value (with a power meter at the wall) or is this just something that the GPU Plugin gave back? I wouldn't always count on values which are reported by the software itself. Also good to know would be if you measured this with nvidia-persistenced on or off? In which power state was the card?


    Also another question that I have is, why reports the GPU Statistics plugin that your card is running at PCIe Gen 1 speeds when it is actually able to run at Gen 4 speeds?


    Keep also in mind that if you use the RTX3060Ti only for transcoding that is really not the most efficient card for that because there are much cheaper and more efficient cards out there for such tasks like the Nvidia T400 or T600 which also get the job just done fine and was affordable even at the GPU crisis and costed brand new about $ 120,-

    The T400 has a maximum TDP of 30W (and yes, this is the real TDP) and draws in idle about 1-3W

    (I think the T600 has a maximum TDP of around 40W if I'm not mistaken and there is also a T1000 which has a maximum TDP of around 50W)

    Within two hours I reinstalled all the drivers and tried once and found the following problem.
    1. standby voltage and driver version has no relationship (in the reinstallation of the latest version of the driver my graphics card can maintain a standby voltage of 5w)
    ps: not using any power section script

    2. unraid in the first boot (all gpu driver versions) graphics card will maintain the memory frequency at very high, voltage is about 40-50w, fan 0 speed.
    First I open the console and enter nvtop, the gpu will become standby (memory frequency drops, fan low speed, voltage 17-20w) when I close the unraid console will resume high load, fan 0 speed. Then I try to open the plex to play the video and then close the video, then the gpu will become standby with 5w voltage (idle state).
    So when I start unraid every time I have to have a play video operation to keep the gpu in low power idle.

    3. about the pcie problem, I just looked at the idle state default pcie gen 1 when there is a program call to the gpu (such as play video) will automatically switch to pcie gen 4

    屏幕截图 2022-09-28 075554.png

    屏幕截图 2022-09-28 075623.png

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