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Posts posted by Dantanator

  1. Hello good people.


    Yesterday, my docker service up and crashed on me (reasons unknown) so I renamed the docker.img file so that unraid would create a new one. I then proceeded to reinstall my previous docker images and now I am experiencing a problem with my Plex docker. It keeps spitting out these errors over and over again.


    Starting Plex Media Server. . . (you can ignore the libusb_init error)
    libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type boost::wrapexcept<boost::system::system_error>: listen: Address in use
    ****** PLEX MEDIA SERVER CRASHED, CRASH REPORT WRITTEN: /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Crash Reports/ MEDIA SERVER/739a45c4-916b-44f5-3709a89f-9be62ece.dmp


    The odd thing to me is the service is still working for me and my users but it is constantly hitting my hard drives. I tried removing the docker and reinstalling it to no effect. Any thoughts from the experts in here? 


    I'm currently on Unraid OS 6.11.5.

  2. 1 minute ago, ich777 said:

    Seems like it can't grab SteamCMD, can you please try to remove the steamcmd folder from your appdata directory?


    Have you any custom permissions in place on your system?


    Do you have any AdBlocker on your network that maybe prevent the container from puling down this file: Click


    Well, how about that. I thought I had my server in the proper firewall group and I did not. Once I dropped it in where it belongs the docker now is pulling down the files. Thank you! I just needed another pair of eyes on this.

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  3. 1 hour ago, ich777 said:



    On what Unraid version are you?

    What is the exact log output after the first start and when it loops?

    You can get logs from a Unraid terminal if you type in:

    docker container logs CONTAINERNAME

    (of course replace CONTAINERNAME with the name of the container - case sensitv!)


    No, this is all done through the containers and one steamcmd directory can share multiple containers on the host.


    Here is the first portion of the log. After that gzip set it just repeats over and over.


    ---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user---
    ---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user---
    ---Setting umask to 000---
    ---Checking for optional scripts---
    ---No optional script found, continuing---
    ---Taking ownership of data...---
    SteamCMD not found!


    gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
    tar: Child returned status 1
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    ---Update SteamCMD---
    /opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 12: /serverdata/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: No such file or directory
    ---Update Server---
    ---Validating installation---
    /opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 25: /serverdata/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: No such file or directory
    ---Prepare Server---
    ---Server ready---
    ---Starting Backup daemon---
    ---Start Server---
    /opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 252: /serverdata/serverfiles/valheim_server.x86_64: No such file or directory
    ---Update Check for Valheim enabled, running automatically every 60 minutes.---
    cat: /serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/content_log.txt: No such file or directory
    ---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user---
    usermod: no changes
    ---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user---
    usermod: no changes
    ---Setting umask to 000---
    ---Checking for optional scripts---
    ---No optional script found, continuing---
    ---Taking ownership of data...---
    SteamCMD not found!


  4. I'm having trouble getting things installed with this docker. I am trying to install the Valheim docker, or any other game using  steamcmd for that matter, and the docker just restarts over and over again. Nothing shows up in the folder locations I've defined. I've followed steps on a couple of other websites and it seems so simple but it is really escaping me what I'm doing wrong. Could it be a permissions problem? Am I supposed to install steamcmd separately? Help!

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