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Posts posted by Name_0901

  1. 16 hours ago, thomas said:

    Hi, have you done anything special to passthrough the igpu  under ubuntu? 

    For me, I can only boot it with modeset parameter otherwise the screen will turn off and in dmesg I will see amdgpu giving errors. Due to modeset there is no video acceleration, so it is not usable.



    Try reboot your PVE host before do the iGPU passthrough. This is because the AMD GPU reset bug, you can only use the iGPU in passthrough once per host startup. If you want to use it next time, or your VM rebooted, you need to restart your host machine to re-active the iGPU.


    wx-Rmt posted a solution, you can take a look here at page 7. But since I'm a C noob, there's nothing I can do to rewrite the patch.


    You also can googling "AMD GPU/iGPU reset bug" for more details.

  2. I'm leaving a reply here because this post really helped me a lot on 5700G iGPU passthrough. Thanks everyone who put in the time, effort and contributions in this long post.


    I was successful on PVE 7.2. The iGPU can be passthrough in both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 VM, and works well.


    Few tricks:

    - Motherboard set to CSM

    - Use correct vBIOS rom.

       - You can follow wx-Rmt's step in page 6: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/112649-amd-apu-ryzen-5700g-igpu-passthrough-on-692/?do=findComment&comment=1134762

    - I patched ACS on my motherboard because the original IOMMU groups sucks.

    - Machine: Q35

    - BIOS: SeaBIOS


    One issue is I still can't find a workable solution to fix the AMD reset bug. I tried follow wx-Rmt's step to install "RadeonResetBugFix" on Windows 10, but it doesn't work well. It crashes my computer every time, not just the VM.

    On 6/5/2022 at 1:23 PM, wx-Rmt said:

    Download the latest AMD 22.5.2 driver and RadeonResetBugFix in vm win10


    Unzip the amd driver to any directory.



    I also made a video to show how to do 5700G iGPU passthrough on PVE 7. Maybe you can use it as a reference on unraid.
    The video is in Chinese, but I have marked some key points in English as much as possible.

    And also in the video, I only show the Windows 10. If you are using Ubuntu VM, same configurations except that there is no need to download and install the driver from the AMD website, you only need to do is “apt update && apt upgrade" in your VM.

    - Here is the full video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV11d4y1G7Nk

    - Or you can just jump to 29:33 watch the final demo: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV11d4y1G7Nk?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=37c57e6564de58a018f5b76ac5bfd5e2&t=1773


    My Hardware and System environment

    - CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700G

    - GPU: Only integrated graphics card (iGPU), no dedicated graphics card (dGPU)

    - Motherboard: ASRock B550 Phantom Gaming-ITX/ax

    - BIOS: P2.30 PVE Version: Proxmox 7.2-3

    - Linux kernel: Linux 5.15.30-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.15.30-3 (Fri, 22 Apr 2022 18:08:27 +0200)

    You can leave me a reply under the video or in this post if you have questions.

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