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Posts posted by JMcVay

  1. 1 hour ago, Twinkie0101 said:

    You are correct, I removed and replaced the following variable in the 7D2D template (this is the edited view using port 26950 vs. the template 26900):



    I also used the following ports for the remaining variables:



    Then forwarded the ports in my router.  This got the second instance up and running and available externally for friends to join.


    Still trying to figure out how to apply the Darkness Falls (DF) MOD to the server.  I added the config file, mods folder and icon file to the server, updated the config for DF but something is not right.  I've reached out to the 7DTD Admin Coalition discord channel and Khaine's discord channel (mod owner) but nothing fruitful yet.  That said, Khaine is not a fan of using docker for the server that is clear. I'll report back as I learn.


    Great, Twinkie!  I had tried changing all of these to numbers just slightly after the original. I think I started with port 26904.  Maybe it wasn't far enough away.  I'll try your template and get back to you.  I'm not sure about DF but I got the Rebirth overhaul working on my simply by creating the mod folder and extracting everything to there.

  2. I have friends that are much more experienced than I at this and some that even do cyber security assessments so I'll check with them before I set anything up.  The whole point of my unRaid machine is to set up a Plex server for my kids and I'm using hardware I had laying around to host games for friends.  I wouldn't want to jeopardize my whole network just to make games more convenient.


    and I guess template might have been the wrong word there too :P  I go through what ever ports its set to and delete the last digit.  I couldn't figure out how to change that number in the docker for where it says which port to use.  I'll check the valheim post and see if that guides me through though, thanks!


  3. Empty was an exaggeration.  I went through the template and just deleted the last number from each port and leave it stopped.  That allows me to have both installs at the same time but only one can run.  I can just stop the docker and fix the ports for which ever server I want running. :P 


    I can still share a screenshot if you want but it will have to wait till I'm not at my office.  I haven't figured out what to use to set up remote access to unRaid yet.

  4. 7 hours ago, Twinkie0101 said:

    Hi everyone,


    I am trying to run two servers: 1 vanilla, 1 Darkness Falls.

    Have the vanilla server up and running great, but getting hung on deploying the 2nd server (both usingich777s container). Would appreciate any help:

    1. How do I manage the port mappings for the 2nd server? I've tried adjusting the ports to use 26905-26908 and 27016 and open the ports on my router.
    2. Does anyone have any guide on how to install the Darkness Falls mod. I believe I have it installed properly but would like to verify? I downloaded the zipped files and unzipped into the 2nd server folder, updated the config, but it doesn't look like the config files are being loaded when viewing the logs.

    I've searched with no luck on the 2nd server deployment or installing DF. Thanks in advance for any help!



    I tried the exact same steps because I wanted a modded and unmodded server running simultaneously.  Were you able to get an answer using the discord link?  I have a vanilla server running and a Rebirth server running and they both work but not at the same time. I have to leave the ports empty on one while the other is up.


    ICH, do you know if the dedicated server console is accessible while the app is running from a docker?

    I have access to the log file so I use that to check if the server is up but would love to have access to the live server console for real time updates.


    And great work on all the dockers.  I'm new to unRaid but I'm having a blast and seem to keep running into your stuff when ever I look for something.

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