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Posts posted by purplewalrus

  1. 9 hours ago, Nanobug said:

    I keep getting this error:


    I did what barrysagittarius suggested:


    I'm trying to access locally, so no reverse proxy is involved.
    Any ideas of how to make it work?

    Hey Nano, 

    Those settings are what finally worked for me but only as part of an initial install of the docker, no idea why.

  2. On 9/13/2022 at 11:15 PM, barrysagittarius said:



    I solved my problem, which I think was the same as your problem. When installing the docker, I set

    Network Type: Bridge

    Then I added the following by Path/Port/Variable


    -Config Type: Port

    -Name: WebUI

    -Container Port: 8080

    -Default Value: 8080

    -Connection Type: TCP



    -Config Type: Variable



    -Value: False

    -Default: False


    I think the key for not getting the SSL error was the OPENPROJECT_HTTPS variable. To get it to work otherwise, with https, I think requires setting up Swag/nginx which I was able to do for Nextcloud but is beyond my paygrade for this (didn't have time to figure out). More info is here


    Hope that solves your problem.

    Thanks Barry, I had all of this setup already and it wasn't working but seems to have worked doing it as part of the initial setup, got a warning about having HTTPS disabled after I setup nginx though so disabled that and I'm up and running with HTTPS now as well.

  3. I'm having the same issue as @michaelborck, the docker doesn't work out of the box and am having all sorts of issues accessing the web UI 


    Using br0 networking there are two port mappings added by default - 80, 5432

    However the default WebUI link is set to 8080?


    Attempting to access the server via http://[ip]:8080 redirects to https://[ip]:8080 and fails -> "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR"

    HTTP (80) and HTTPS(443) both just fail -> "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED"


    Even with HTTPS/HSTS supposedly disabled with additional variables added to the docker edit screen I'm still getting redirected to HTTPS and receiving the "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR".




    The logs show:


    2022-09-05 15:14:12 +1000 HTTP parse error, malformed request: #<Puma::HttpParserError: Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails. Are you trying to open an SSL connection to a non-SSL Puma?>


    My Questions:

    1. How do I access the Web GUI, ideally via HTTPS

    2. What ports do I actually have to have exposed to the container? 80, 5432, 8080



    I also noticed in the logs that "Using unprefixed environment variables is deprecated", will that be fixed in an update to the docker container?



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