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Posts posted by BiLKiNiS

  1. When running the fix common problem plug in I was prompted to installed the R8125 plugin for my 2.5Gb network card
    I did and rebooted the server but today I had very poor network performance as if it was a 100Mbits card
    Since I put the unraid server to S3 Sleep every day I think the wake up had some issues with the network card but it never happened before I installed the R8125 plugin.
    Since I had no problem before with performance or stability I removed the plugin
    Is there any known issue with it?

  2. I think know with 6.12 all you need to do is copy your public key in the input named "SSH authorized keys" on the users tab for the root user and then save

    This should add the key to the authorized list or create the file if it doesn't exist

    2023-07-19 221409.png

  3. Here are the diagnostics but to show the issue I might need to reboot the server witch possible at the moment but I think it will show the same thing except in the ethtool log were the mac address will have change


    Looking for a generic fix for this I found some tips that recommand to add a row to the boot/config/network.cfg file:

    HWADDR="00:00:00:00:00:00" (with the mac address you want or



    I might try this an reboot the server when possible to see if it corrects my issue


  4. Hello


    I have installed Unraid on an old PC with a i3 6100, an H110 motherboard, 3 HDD and 1 SSD it works fine, I've also added a network card in the x16 slot to have a 2.5gbit network link


    The issue I have is that the mac address of this card (eth0) change every time the server is rebooted


    Is it normal?

    How can I keep it lock to a specific value?

    The gigabit chispet of the MB is disable in the bios

    I use a lot the wake up on lan feature since it's not a heavily used nas, it's in sleep most of the time

    and if I have to reboot then I need to update the mac address in all of my script and app that are use to wake up the server

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