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Posts posted by bsaltz22

  1. Hello everyone, 


    I've been messing around with Unraid for the last 10 days and I started running into weird issues with docker apps not working, port forwarding not working properly, and ill configured storage settings (app data being set to cache but was showing up on main disks and I couldn't get it migrated over to the cache). So I made the decision to start completely fresh by formatting my flash drive and installing a new copy of unraid. Upon boot I downloaded the unassigned disk pluggin so I could format the 3 drives I have in my array and my two cache devices (right now I have no parity setup). For my 3 array disks I selected the format option, choosing XFS file system and formatted. I had a few things being stored on the array at the time, a couple movies totaling 10gb max, and I didn't care about losing them since I have them in my iCloud and was going to recopy them after re-setup. Following the formatting of all 5 drives, I'm now seeing my largest drive, 10TB, showing that there is 96GB being used. I was under the impression that the XFS overhead is .5%, so I should see maybe 50GB used. Did I do something wrong during the formatting process? When I access the disk contents directly through the GUI on the "main" page, it shows that it's empty. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction. 



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