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Posts posted by bjaurelio

  1. Is your docker container titled qbittorent and on the same custom bridge network? Is your domain service setup with cname for your subdomain?


    3 hours ago, Forty Two said:

    Could somebody help me out?

    I've been trying to get binhex-qbittorrent to run with swag. 

    I used the regular qbittorent subdomain conf file, and swapped the container name and port. 

    The Subdomain(s): variable field for the container contains "qbittorrent"

    File attached. 

    binhex-qbittorrent.subdomain.conf 4.45 kB · 2 downloads


  2. I am working to setup my UnRaid server using hardware I received for Christmas so I can host storage on a separate machine and have a parity drive. I created a separate docker network for my docker containers. I have a duckdns docker to update my ip address, and swag. With swag, my setup used example.duckdns.org [example replaced with my subdomain] for my domain, wildcard for subdomains, and only subdomains is set to true. My plan is to use separate subdomains from my duckdns subdomain with each docker service I want to access. For services currently setup, so far I only have jellyfin and nextcloud. I enabled the subdomain examples in each and made the edits to the nextcloud configuration to add swag as a trusted proxy and my duckdns domain as a trusted domain. The problem I am running into is that when I access jellyfin.example.duckdns.org, it often works. As soon as I access nextcloud.duckdns.org either after logging in via the web or attempting to connect with the android app, I get an “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED” in my browser. This will then occur for jellyfin as well. The only resolution I have found is to restart swag or wait awhile. The problem will then quickly resurface after a short period of using nextcloud. Because it works intermittently with the error seemingly only being triggered after attempting to use nextcloud, I am baffled at what the problem could be. If the problem is with nextcloud, why would it then affect jellyfin? If the problem is with swag, why does it sometimes work?

    Any suggestions on where to look? Swag and nextcloud logs don’t have anything after showing they started, and there do not appear to be any errors in the startup process. Jellyfin doesn’t show anything in its logs at the same time as the connection refused error.

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