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Posts posted by martymcbro

  1. On 1/14/2023 at 6:28 PM, martymcbro said:


    First of all thank you for maintaining this container, it's working very nicely.

    Are there any news about a possibility to get some notifications from the container?


    Personally I would prefer email since I'm not using telegram.

    The lucky backup container (https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/luckybackup) has email notifications using a simple perl script which gets the required configuration parameters over the command line. It's called sendemail. You can find it here





    When the required perl modules are installed it even has TLS support. If you could incorprate this into the image, it would be easy to configure email notifications using the Pre-Backup und Post-Backup Shell Commands.


    I tried to copy the script and the perl binaries into the image myself, but i failed since sh claimed that it could not find the files although the permissions seemed to be correct.


    Or should I use the sendmail executable which can be found in the image? I had no luck using it either.


    I just got e-mail notifications working.


    First I installed perl and the required modules into the image:


    apk add --no-cache perl perl-dev perl-socket6 perl-io-socket-inet6 perl-net-ssleay perl-io-socket-ssl


    Then I downloaded the sendEmail script and copied it into /usr/bin


    cd /tmp
    wget https://github.com/lucalandolfi/sendEmail/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
    unzip master.zip
    cp sendEmail-master/sendEmail.pl /usr/bin/sendEmail


    Finally I configured the following commands in Vorta under "Schedule -> Shell Commands":


    sendEmail -f [email protected] -t [email protected] -u "Vorta backup started" -m "Vorta backup of $repo_url started" -o tls=yes -s mail.server.com:port -xu emailusername -xp emailpassword



    sendEmail -f [email protected] -t [email protected] -u "Vorta backup finished" -m "Vorta backup of $repo_url finished with returncode $returncode" -o tls=yes -s mail.server.com:port -xu emailusername -xp emailpassword


    Just make sure you replace sender address, receiver address, mail server and the credentials with your own ones.


    I used a fork of sendEmail from github, because the original version sendEmail-1.56 gave me the following error regarding the tls connection:

    invalid SSL_version specified at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/IO/Socket/SSL.pm line 670


    Is there any chance that this could be incorporated into the docker image?

  2. On 12/30/2021 at 12:50 PM, SmartPhoneLover said:


    There's a user from Telegram that made a little script that does exactly that, but with Telegram notifications (bot), not email. Maybe, could be done the same with email API.


    Wjen I test it, I will post it here, don't worry.


    First of all thank you for maintaining this container, it's working very nicely.

    Are there any news about a possibility to get some notifications from the container?


    Personally I would prefer email since I'm not using telegram.

    The lucky backup container (https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/luckybackup) has email notifications using a simple perl script which gets the required configuration parameters over the command line. It's called sendemail. You can find it here





    When the required perl modules are installed it even has TLS support. If you could incorprate this into the image, it would be easy to configure email notifications using the Pre-Backup und Post-Backup Shell Commands.


    I tried to copy the script and the perl binaries into the image myself, but i failed since sh claimed that it could not find the files although the permissions seemed to be correct.


    Or should I use the sendmail executable which can be found in the image? I had no luck using it either.

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