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Posts posted by gbrl

  1. Hey everyone. I recently upgraded my parity drive from 14TB to 18 TB. Ever since the drive swap I have been unable to access the Unraid web interface once the array is started (pre parity-sync and post parity-sync). It's accessible when the array is down, but refuses to connect once I start the array.


    All other functions work as normal. Able to access via SSH, all my shares are up, dockers are up and operational, etc.


    Parity is completely synced now but still unable to access the web interface.


    I have a plus license with 5 drives in the array and two cache drives.


    I tried attaching the diagnostics but I am unable to. I'm also unable to even view them. 

    I tried starting the array without the new 18TB parity drive before it was synced and I was able to access the web interface. I'm really hoping it's not this drive causing issues. 


    Edit: I tried swapping back to the 14TB drive to perform a parity-sync and it looks like the same thing is happening with this drive now as well. 


    Kind of at a loss here and any assistance would be much appreciated!



  2. On 10/7/2023 at 11:30 AM, furian said:


    thank you!

    My GUI stopped responding after starting the array when i replaced the parity disk (14tb) for a new 18tb disk i had no idea what the server was doing.. 

    i selected the 14TB disk as a replacement for a old 4tb disk, i can't format it right now as the gui stopped responding and i had no idea how long it would take..


    Now i see this, i think i will have to wait for it to complete... but at least now i know what is happening!

    parity check.jpg


    Same exact thing is happening to me right now. GUI stopped responding/refusing to connect when replacing 14TB parity disk for a new 18TB disk.


    What ended up happening with yours? Did the GUI eventually come back after completion?

  3. 1 hour ago, Kilrah said:

    It's a docker that runs once and creates a VM that'll be on the VM tab. Follow the instructions.

    That's what I figured. For whatever reason after installing macinabox, nothing shows up under my VM tab. I've followed the instructions unless there's something I'm missing.

  4. Hi everyone,


    I'm brand new to Unraid as I've just set my server up a couple of days ago. I'm pretty much a beginner when it comes to Linux an somethings related. Installing my docker apps have gone relatively smoothly, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to create a VM. I'm getting the following message. If you ask for my XML info, could you please point me to the right direction to find it? Thanks!


    I'm currently running an Intel i5-12400 using the iGPU (no external GPU). I'm wondering if this is causing the issue by running Plex at the same time.

    Unraid Version 6.11.5






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