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Posts posted by BlackMamba24

  1. Any updates on this issue? Experiencing the same problem and only fix I found was restarting server. A issue along with this is when trying to update a container, there status window will show nothing but the 3 dotes on bottom moving. It does however update said containers, just can't tell when it is done and have to refresh


  2. 10 hours ago, jonitfcfan said:



    Unless you want extra output that -P or --stats doesn't already give you, you probably don't need the -v (or --verbose) flag


    I don't think the order of the flags normally matters

    Oh I see, was playing around and I believe the info provided from -P and _-stats are different from each other right? Seems to info I want but wanted to make sure there wasn't any overlap between them. I


    I was wondering what the verbose flag actually did if you happen to know. Read the description and it wasn't very clear but it provided some extra info that seemed useful to me. 


    Also, does z help in any way? Saw that it compresses the data I think but I did not see any differences

  3. Hello, I came across this plugin to remove the .DS_store files. I also have issues with needing to remove ._.DS_Store files as well as ._filename that mimics my actual file but tiny size (I believe its a mac related file and that "_.*" would remove them. Can anyone check if the script I have below is correct for removing the two additional types of files?


    echo "Searching for (and deleting) ._.DS_Store Files in array and external backup drives"
    echo "This may take a awhile"
    find /mnt/user -maxdepth 9999 -noleaf -type f -name "._.DS_Store" -exec rm "{}" \;
    find /mnt/disks -maxdepth 9999 -noleaf -type f -name "._.DS_Store" -exec rm "{}" \;


    echo "Searching for (and deleting) ._* Files"
    echo "This may take a awhile"
    find /mnt/user -maxdepth 9999 -noleaf -type f -name "._*" -exec rm "{}" \;
    find /mnt/disks -maxdepth 9999 -noleaf -type f -name "._*" -exec rm "{}" \;

    Also, is it ok to run a second script that targets my external drive in the same script like above? Very new to unraid so any help is much appreciated, thank you!


  4. 13 hours ago, jonitfcfan said:


    If you care about retaining the Linux file permissions/ownership you can do what dlandon said (I use EXT4 myself on my external drive). Otherwise you could modify the rsync command so you don't get the above errors.


    Instead of this:

    rsync -aP [source dir] [destination dir]
    (-a on its own is the same as -rlptgoD)


    you could do this:

    rsync -rltDP [source dir] [destination dir]


    This removes the flags that otherwise tell rsync to retain the Linux file permissions/ownership.

    Thank you so much! I came this command "rsync -av --no-o --no-g --no-perms --progress --stats", which is the same as yours but just longer? This includes the stats variable and I assume --progress is the same as P if I read that correctly. Your version would be rsync -rltvDP --stats and would do the same thing? Also, does the order matter for where I put the new v variable?

  5. Hello I have the same failed: Operations not permitted and error code 23 despite the while transferring but rsync says otherwise. I have tried updating the UD plugin and reinstall to no luck. My destination device is an exfat format external hard drive disk. Is there any way to solve this issue?



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