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Posts posted by c96walker

  1. 4 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Why would you do that? You have to deal with streaming ports and so on (I'm not really familiar with Traefik).


    Game servers usually don't use http/https traffic and they use their own proprietary protocols and if you rout that through a reverse proxy you will run into trouble.


    This is still possible, not in that way but it is possible.

    If your domain is linked to your public IP your friends can enter for example: domain.com:27131


    You don't have to create a subdomain since the game should be able to resolve "domain.com" (of course this depends on the game client and if DNS resolution is implemented) and in most cases you even don't have to specify the port if it is running on the default port because most game clients will try to connect to the default port, in this case 27131

    Thanks, I will give this consideration and try again!

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  2. Can anyone assist / recommend settings for Traefik reverse proxy through cloudflare and exposing ports for Insurgency Sandstorm server? I attempted setting up a custom service in fileConfig.yml for Traefik but have been unsuccessful. Hoping to have friends Connect to IP in Insurgency and can enter "insurgency.domain.com" and wondering if anyone else has been successful.

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