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  1. I see that it is possible to change the cache drive to xfs. do you think this is worth trying?
  2. Ok so I changed it to Cache - no and started a new torrent. 35gb download and never went under 50MiB/s no crazy CPU load. So I need to figure out why downloading to the SSD causes crazy CPU load randomly. When I had a low power system, changing the mount folder to /mnt/cache helped with speeds but surely with a ryzen 5600g and 16gb ram, I shouldn't be seeing one single torrent maxing out cores?
  3. I have noticed that when the torrent slows down, cpu looks like this
  4. It wasn't but I just added it and then started a new download, ensuring it was checked. Seems to be more stable but a couple times still slowed down massively with 53 and 71 percent IO_Wait
  5. Hi, I am getting high IO_Wait when downloading torrents directly to my cache drive. I have all drives in the array spun down to ensure nothing is using them instead. None of the disks spin up so I am able to confirm that only the ssd is being used. Download speeds are usually 45 MiB/s but suddenly drop to 4 MiB/s with high IO_Wait and then speed back up. IO_wait also happens during unpacking in SABnzbd perhaps nvme pcie ssd would fix it? I only recently upgraded the motherboard so now have that as an option CPU: Ryzen 5 5600g 16gb ddr4 Kingston SATA SSD
  6. thanks for the help. Think i'm going to upgrade my system and use this as a good reason to do so
  7. thanks so much, that has solved it. I used /mnt/cache/ and the speeds doubled. If the files are moved to the array however, the torrent client will not be able to see them, is there something that can be done to solve this?
  8. Hi, I setup Unraid this week after using Open Media Vault for a while. I have a 500/70 connection and had no problem maxing it out before using docker container for qBittorrent. However, upon setting it up on unraid, I am unable to go much further than 20 MB/s download (not even half my max connection) I notice very high CPU usage when downloading torrents so tried deluge instead but the same thing occurred. I used glances to have a look at IO_Wait but that stays at 0.5-1% but there is a constant warning for CPU Load when downloading torrent I am downloading to cache and have confirmed that by looking at read and writes - no activity on array The CPU I'm using is an integrated ASrock j3160 and I am aware it is not the most powerful. I am completely open to upgrading, however before doing so I just wanted to check there was nothing odd going on that can be fixed as I had no problems in OMV with the same system. Thanks
  9. First day setting up Unraid and this happened. Thought I'd done something wrong but happy to know it's happening to others
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