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Posts posted by rock2240

  1. First of All, a huge thanks, Jorge. I'm back up and running with very little data loss or difference. I am experiencing one issue. I am getting these pending sector warnings every couple hours that go back to normal after a minute or two.  It's alerts for all three drives in my array. What does this mean and should I be concerned? Also, I wasn't sure if this is related to the original problem if not I apologize if I should have created a new topic.  



  2. Hi,

    I'm need help in recovering from an unmountable drive. I used the check filesystem option in the UI and I was able to get it mounted and the array started.

    It seems I have lost my files, Docker containers and VMs though.  I am curious to what the next steps, if any, to recover these items. I do have a spare blank drive I can put into service in the array if that helps makes the recovery easier. I'm just a little hesitant to do anything more for fear of permanently losing data. I attached my diagnostics file. If someone can point me in right direction from here that would be great.  Thanks in advance.


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