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Posts posted by kiwijunglist

  1. 1 You can view how large each docker container is:


    Go to docker tab of unraid, near the bottom of the page there is a button called [Container Size] it's next to the update all containers button


    2 You can do the following terminal commands:

    List docker volumes (these are internally stored data volumes created by docker containers you are running)


    docker volumes ls


    List size of docker volumes that might be taking up space


    du -h -d 1 /var/lib/docker/volumes


     Delete unused docker volumes:


    docker volume prune


    Inspect a docker volume


    docker volume inspect <name_of_volume>


    Manually delete a docker volume (use with caution)

    cd /var/lib/docker/volumes
    rm -r <folder name>


    3 You can use user-scripts plugin:


    user scripts plugin here


    The default scripts included are:

    - Delete any dangling images from the docker.img file

    - Display the size of the docker container's log files (to see if a docker app is filling up the image file through excessive logging)


    And you can also add the following scripts from here

    - Clean Docker Logs

    - Get size of running containers





  2. Based on what I've read., if wireguard is running on the unraid server then the VPN client will always be able to access everything on the same IP as the unraid server.  So I would have to run the VPN on my Unifi USG.

  3. Get a z790 that supports 8x sata / 4x NVME and ditch the LSI / SAS stuff.

    Use larger capacity HDDs eg. 20-24TB

    Get an i5-12500 / i5-13500 with the 770 gpu


    Add LSI/SAS when you exceed 8x SATA drives.


    Should be about 15-20W idle when HDD are asleep.


    Do you need 650W peak? ... might get better power efficiency at idle if you go for a lower wattage PSU, look at idle efficiency.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Thanks, you are right.  It should be ~40 minutes run time at ~100W load.


    My server and unifi gear is usually idle at 36W so I guess usually it's 15 minute idle time on battery.


    The battery is 5 years old, it runs 24/7, it would be extremely rare for it to be on battery power.  Eg. if I cut the power to do some electrical work for a little while then it would go on battery.  The cupboard does get fairly warm though usually around 25-30C in there, maybe up to 35C in extreme hot days.

  5. I am using a Cyberpower UPS with unraid via USB connection.


    Model = CP1500EPFCLCDa


    It is working with "Network UPS Tools (NUT) for UNRAID" under community apps plugin.


    These are the settings to communicate with the UPS in the plugin.





    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, primeval_god said:

    Is there a question here? I dont really understand the post. 


    Hi sorry, It looks like I posted in the wrong thread.  Vorta is no longer available in community apps.  I meant to post that in the vorta-docker thread.  Sorry.

  7. Additionally I tried to use "Local tunnel firewall:" in the unraid wireguard vpn settings page, but it didn't do anything.


    I know I could always just change Allowed IPs in the wireguard client settings, but that is not very secure as the client could just change that setting themselves.

  8. Thanks for the plugin.  I have wireguard VPN working well and can access my server and my dockers and my dockers on different IP and my LAN.


    My setup is as follows



    Local tunnel network pool

    Local access tunnel address:

    Local endpoint: My Fixed IP address of my WAN

    Local server uses NAT: No


    Local Network / Unifi (DHCP range .10 - .199)

    Unraid IP address

    Static Route for wireguard VPN: Destination Network Next Hop:


    Unraid Docker

    Ducker custom network type: ipvlan

    Host access to custom networks: enabled

    I have a container running borg backup server, it uses custom: br0 network with fixed IP address


    I am able to access my server, my bridge docker containers via server_ip:port and also I'm able to access my dockers on fixed IP address as well 🙂


    QUESTION: How to restrict a wireguard client to only access one IP address (or docker) on my network?

    I want to setup a server to server tunnel with my brothers server using wireguard.  I want to limit access so that my brother can only access (the borgbackup server container) and nothing else.  I'm not sure of the best way to make that happen.  Whether it is something I can setup in wireguard, or if I have to setup some kind of firewall in unifi and if so how do I go about doing that?


    Basically I want my brother to be able to SSH my borgserver container only (borgserver uses SSH to communicate to make backups).





    Debian based container image, running openssh-daemon only accessable by user named "borg" using SSH-Publickey Auth & "borgbackup" as client.


    So you can use different SSH key pairs for multiple repos, but the username for ssh connection is always called "borg".

  10. Thanks, I got it working.  I now have borgmatic docker connecting to borg-server docker.


    This is the config.yaml I had to use for borgmatic docker.

        - /mnt/user/somethingtobackuplocation
        - path: ssh://[email protected]:2222/backup/borg
          label: backupserver
    ssh_command: ssh -i /root/.ssh/borg -p 2222


    I am now trying to get vorta-docker to work... I keep geting "invalid user" error in the borg-server docker log file.

  11. Hmm still can't get things to work


    I ran the borgmatic (client) container, and loaded a console in the container

    Then I created a ssh key pair

    Then I copied the .pub file into borgserver container, and restarted borgserver container.


    When I try to SSH into borgserver container from borgmatic container, I get the following error:

    Permission denied (publickey)


  12. Hi


    I want the windows smb user to be all to edit my docker config.yaml without permission issues.  I assume if it was set to 99:100 it would be ok?  My docker containers are all set to PUID: 99 / PGID: 100.  I've attached various screenshots that I think would be useful to troubleshoot.  Please let me know what to do.













  13. On 1/18/2024 at 7:42 AM, genesisdoeswhatnintendont said:

    Good news everyone!

    I managed to get C10 pkg C-State (previously I get no higher than C3) on

    Asrock LGA1700 mobo and you can too. Yay!


    So you have to enable/change hidden BIOS menus by using AMISCE (AMI Setup Control Environment) utility v5.03 or 5.05 for Windows (it sometimes provided with MSI software products and can easily be found on the internet). So you have to install Windows and to enable Administrator password in your BIOS.

    1 Run Powershell as admin and cd to folder where your AMISCE extracted when run this command:


    .\SCEWIN_64.exe /o /s '.\setup_script_file.txt' /a




    Thanks for this.


    I searched for AMISCE utility and found it here - https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/19551/amisce-ami-setup-control-environment-utility-for-m10jnp2sb.html but the .zip file doesn't have SCEWIN_64.exe


    Any help for this step?

    • Like 1
  14. Thanks for the plugin.


    Can I suggest if you click on a drive it brings up a popup showing individual data for last 7 days, then total data for last 7 days / 30 days / all-time.  (or something similar).


    Percentage Sleep: 30%     97% ...
    Spin up counts:    53       3 ...
    Spin down counts:  52       4 ...
    Date:           2 Jan   1 Jan ...   Last 7 days    Last 30 days   Alltime
    Percentage Sleep: 40%     92% ...   
    Spin up counts:    33       2 ...
    Spin down counts:  34       2 ...
    Date:           2 Jan   1 Jan ...   Last 7 days    Last 30 days   Alltime


    The main thing I'm interested in personally is just data on how often the drives are spinning up and down.

  15. You might know this already, while `smartctl --nocheck standby` won't wake a HDD, it will stop a HDD going to sleep when you poll it because it counts as activity.  ie. if you set a hdd to sleep after 60 minutes of activity but you use `smartctl --nocheck standby` to poll the HDD every 30 minutes, then the HDD will never go to sleep.

  16. On 10/28/2023 at 7:29 AM, wgstarks said:


    1. Open a terminal window and create a custom docker network with the following command- 

      docker network create <network name>

      Replace <network name> with the name you would like to use. I used unifi for simplicity. You will need to use this network for MongoDB and unifi-network-application so that they can communicate with each other.


    I didn't have to create a custom unifi bridge network to have unifi container see the database container, just use the IP address of the unraid server instead of a host name, much easier.


    MONGO_HOST: <ip-address>



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