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  1. How are you monitoring the power consumption? I have Intel_GPU_top and GPU statistics installed, but I can only see the GPU load. For me Power Draw is displaying as 0 weather or not the card is under load. (I have Power Draw enabled in GPU statistics) I also have an A380 is there a setting or another application you have that is allowing you to see this?
  2. Just tried thor2002ro's latest 6.5r2 kernel for unraid 6.12.3 I was able to get hardware acceleration transcoding working in Jellyfin! All I needed to do with this kernel was to add "/dev/dri/renderD128" as a device in the container and setting the transcoder to "Intel QuickSync (QSV)" It has been almost a year and I can finally use my A380 with Jellyfin in Unraid! Curious if this will work for you @DeadDevil6210 Hopefully it will be more stable and work with your plex
  3. Looks like thor2002rc has posted a Linux 6.5 kernel for Unraid 6.12.3 https://github.com/thor2002ro/unraid_kernel/releases Has anyone gotten arc working with jellyfin yet? I have an Intel Arc A380 (only GPU in system) and am trying to get it to work with jellyfin. Things I have tried: -Installing Linux 6.5 kernel -putting "options i915 force_probe=56a5" into i915.conf under modprobe.d -Setting Hardware acceleration to "Intel Quicksync (QSV)" in jellyfin transcodeing settings -Adding device to container "/dev/dri/card0" and when that did not work "/dev/dri/renderD128" Any insight would be appreciated. BTW I am a bit of a noob
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