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  1. I missed the notification 😞 Thank you very much for sharing - let me try this over the weekend and I'll report back, this is very exciting 🤩
  2. It seems like it was locked into low-rpm mode and never went higher despite higher temperatures, I couldn't find specs on Asustor website, however I do see they claim various fan operation modes. I never used ADM and can only guess that it's quite like Synology's DSM which did have various fan operation modes. UnRaid reported ~700rpm for the stock fan, and I assumed that this lack on rpm variability is an (Community Apps) ITE IT87 Driver limitation. Either way - 1300rpm fan certainly helps, it's been > 4 hours since the start of parity sync and the temperature is still locked at about 50C for all three HDDs. SSDs also been stable at 40C.
  3. Circling back on the new fan (just in case that'll help somebody in the future!) - seems like it helped. I've got 1300rpm 3-pin fan (Noctua NF-P12 redux-1300). You want to make sure to cut off plastic guides (there's two on one side) as it won't fit in the pin socket otherwise. Also (perhaps obvious to everybody, wasn't obvious to me) you want to use the 3 rightmost pins for a connection, the fan doesn't work with three leftmost pins. When connected, assembled and turned on - the fan is pretty quiet. Perhaps slightly louder than stock fan working at 700rpm, certainly not 2x louder. UnRaid reports ~1300rpm. Alright time for numbers - as a reminder, before the new fan I've had 55-59C during parity sync. Now, parity sync has been running for > 3 hours and it's been hovering at 50C for all three drives, so it seems like it helped quite a bit. I won't have a chance to observe idle temps before parity sync is done and expect them to be in 40-45C range now (at ambient 28-29C) . SSD temps also seem lower at about 41C used (vs 45C). I'll keep observing and will reply back if something changes.
  4. IIRC they were in the range of 55-59C Other than replacing the fan - I'm not really sure what I can do to lower drives temperature 😞
  5. Just wanted to chime in as I've recently moved from Synology to a similar model (AS6706T). Most of the transition was straightforward with the exception of Plex docker container (official) that absolutely refused to use hardware transcoding. Poking around various Reddit threads, Plex forum threads and this forum - here's what has worked for me and my apologies as I've lost the source in a billion open tabs. You can verify just running those commands in the current session, if that works - adding them to /boot/config/go works great: rmmod i915 echo "options i915 enable_fbc=1 enable_guc=3" > /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf modprobe i915 Having tried about a million of suggestion and workaround proposals, this is the only one that has helped for this device and has been working for couple days now without any issues. My only outstanding gripes with this device + UR combo are already noted in this thread: - Lack of fan control - hoping to mitigate this with 3-pin 1300rpm model. Currently my 3 HDDs are about 50C (idle) - 55C (used) and 2 SSDs with heatsinks are 40C (idle) - 45C (used) at ambient temperature of about 28C. I'm hoping I can knock ~5C on HDDs with more ventilation. - Lack of LCD/LED controls - though disabling LCD seems like a decent solution to me.
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