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Everything posted by ednigma

  1. @johnnie.black reiserfsck prompted me to rebuild the superblock, so I carefully followed the unRaid FAQ instructions and in the end there were enough data loss, that I decided to shrink the array and rebuild parity in order to upgrade to v6 and then add disk5 back in and restore from backup. Thanks for your help
  2. Thanks johnnie.black I'll do this and see how much I can recover and compare to my backup, and then mark as solved. Thanks again
  3. Thanks for the replies, I should not have been tinkering with the array so early in the AM, but the preclear had just finished and I was hoping the rebuild would finish overnight. @johnnie.black I see your point that formatting the disk was where I screwed up and a rebuild won't work, but then you go on to say I could try a rebuild from parity that would restore all precleared data. Could you clarify? How do I force a rebuild to occur? I would like to go thru the exercise of running reiserfsck to learn about using it since I've never had to before. Thanks Again..
  4. Hello, I am running version 4.7pro with 6 data drives and a parity drive. I had a disk that SMART was reporting pending sectors. I copied the data to some free space on another Windows machine and precleared the drive, which cleared the pending sectors (strangely, the reallocated sectors count remained 0). I put the drive back into the array and booted the server, the array started and showed an unformatted disk. I thought to myself that unraid just saw the same sonfig, so I stopped the array and unassigned the disk and reassigned the disk, started the array. The status page still showed the disk as unformatted, so I formatted it and when finished, the array showed the disk as having all its space free, no rebuild. I guess I made a mistake in unassigning the disk and reassigning the disk. Is there as way to force unRaid to rebuild the disk? I was intending to rebuild the disk and compare it to the data I saved before I precleared it. If not, I can copy the data back, but will the shares just automatically connect? For example, I noticed that in a DVD share directory, some DVDs seemed split over different disks. Can i just use for example Teracopy to copy all of the data saved on my Win machine to the Disk 5 share? For example, do I copy the DVD subdirectory to Disk5, followed by the TV subdirectory, etc? Will the DVD share directory link back up? Will the TV share? I hope I'm making sense. Of course, I'd rather rebuild the data, I hope theres a way to get UnRaid to do it Thanks
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