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Posts posted by Kamekkusu

  1. On 10/17/2022 at 5:16 PM, Robert Britton said:

    I had a running UnRAID installation that we have been testing before purchase.  We had some drives with SMART errors so wanted to shutdown to swap one of them out before it fails.  After rebooting, we get bzfirmware checksum error and the only option is to reboot.


    I have searched all over and I cannot find any articles/posts for the bzfirmware checksum issue, or for bzroot.  Is there any way to fix this?  Or, do I have to start over?

    Just wanted to add in that I had this error today and was going to try replacing the files like everyone else suggested but I attempted to run the GUI mode in safe mode and was successful at doing that. Once I was in, I made a flash backup of my OS and then updated to 6.12.10 with no issues and was able to boot normally afterwards. Thanks everyone for the help here! 

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