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Posts posted by Neha

  1. 10 hours ago, Unraid-arr said:

    Hi Neha,

    In Unraid v6.11.5 I use the /mnt/disk*/ paths rather than going through /mnt/user/shares which solves my issue for now.

    Here is the link to solution from Unraid admins. >>>Forum Discussion<<<


    I am not sure about Debian specifically. Please elaborate on the issue you are having.



    I am running a raspberrypi 4b on debian 12 os. If I delete a folder or file via any file explorer android app, it gives an error and then the file or folder gets deleted. If a folder has more than one file then each file has to be deleted first. This was not happening when I was on debian 11.


    The OS variant I have installed is only Terminal based no GUI.


    sudo chown -R server:server /media/Server

    sudo chmod 0777 -R /media/Server


    File permissions are all set to 0777 and (user and group) are for user server.


    Below is the mounting string from /etc/fstab on the server


    UUID=xxxxxxxxx /media/Server ntfs defaults,auto,users,uid=998,gid=992,rw,nofail 0 0


    Below is the smb.conf:


    path = /media/Server browseable = no

    read only = no

    valid users = server

    writeable = yes

    create mask=0777

    directory mask=0777


    So what should I change here for thr workaround to work?


    Kindly guide.



  2. On 2/21/2023 at 1:41 AM, Unraid-arr said:


    Thanks for this link.

    As it stands there is an open issue, however the workaround is gonna have to do it for now.

    Hope this gets fixed soon.



    I am having the same issue on debian 12. What exactly is the workaround?

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