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Posts posted by Moll

  1. On 4/3/2024 at 9:06 AM, Moll said:

    SOLVED: Exeption message: net_http_request_timedout, 100


    Hallo everybody,

    i recently switched my domain. Just the domain, not the provider.

    Everything seemed to work. Brower, Browser-extension, IPad - until i tried to login on the Android app.

    After entering my serveradress it takes some time and then i get this message: net_http_request_timedout, 100


    yesterday it worked after i played around with these Settings in nginx. But today it is not working anymore.



    Any suggestions?


    Looks like i solved it!

    I'm not 100% sure what the solution was. But what I did was:

    Deleted the nginx config and all old certificates on the SSL-Certificates tab.

    Then I deleted all certificates my phone. (searched for certs in Android-settings)

    Created a new nginx config with a new certificate. 



     Unfortunately this worked only one night. This morning I wasn't able to sync the android app. -.-

    I find a lot of posts on the internet that have similar problems, but I can't find a solution.

    Are there error logs on both sides I could check?

  2. Exeption message: net_http_request_timedout, 100


    Hallo everybody,

    i recently switched my domain. Just the domain, not the provider.

    Everything seemed to work. Brower, Browser-extension, IPad - until i tried to login on the Android app.

    After entering my serveradress it takes some time and then i get this message: net_http_request_timedout, 100


    yesterday it worked after i played around with these Settings in nginx. But today it is not working anymore.



    Any suggestions?


    I have accidentally found that my Android phone can sync when using my WireGuard VPN. This is not a complete solution, but it is an easy workaround.



    Looks like i solved it! (I didn't -.-)

    I'm not 100% sure what the solution was. But what I did was:

    Deleted the nginx config and all old certificates on the SSL-Certificates tab.

    Then I deleted all certificates my phone. (searched for certs in Android-settings)

    Created a new nginx config with a new certificate. 



  3. On 2/25/2021 at 5:39 AM, CoZ said:

    Is the whole Nextcloud and Onlyoffice integration still currently "Broken"?  I've tried to get the internal OnlyOffice to work that's built in to Nextcloud and I know most of you are running a separate docker container just for OnlyOffice to get it to work with Nextcloud.  I don't really want to go that route if it is supposed to be built into the NextCloud docker by default. 


    I've tried to install the add-on a few times and it just comes back with this error:

    App "documentserver_community" cannot be installed because appinfo file cannot be read.


    I've tried to stop the docker, remove the built-in document server and that also fails when attempting to remove it.  If I go into the OnlyOffice settings page on Nextcloud, everything shows up as it should (domain name, file associations etc) but when I try to create a new spreadsheet or word doc I get the error message "Can't communicate with OnlyOffice contact the Sys Admin"


    Rinse and repeat.

    Did you get it to work?

  4. 23 hours ago, rutherford said:

    Looks like you have Redis connection problems. Check out the first post I modified a bit in this thread. There are settings for Redis, and those need all the correct port numbers. For me that's 6379, no password. Redis hostname is the statis IP of the unraid server. You do have Redis installed right?


    I'll keep with this lsof thing! Here you can see that 6379 says <something> is listening on port 6379. It doesn't report that it's Redis. Then I check another port that's nothing, and it returns nothing: nothing on that other port. So that's a pulse!






    Thanks for your help!

    I checked the port multiple times but never looked at the IP.... So my immich is running now!

    • Upvote 1
  5. [SOLVED] : i had the wrong IP adress for redis...


    I just installed Immich

    i use PostgreSQL_Immich and changed to tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg16-v0.2.0

    I can access the WebUI but the Immich Docker log constatnly promts:


    Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
        at Socket.<anonymous> (/app/immich/server/node_modules/ioredis/built/Redis.js:170:41)
        at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:632:28)
        at Socket.emit (node:events:518:28)
        at Socket._onTimeout (node:net:589:8)
        at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:573:17)
        at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:514:7) {
      errorno: 'ETIMEDOUT',
      code: 'ETIMEDOUT',
      syscall: 'connect'

     can someone help with this?


    I tried to open /admon/jobs-status it took an long time and then i got this error. Don't know if these are connected.


    Failed to fetch (500)


    TypeError: Failed to fetch at window.fetch ( at c ( at n ( at Object.o [as fetchJson] ( at Qe ( at xt ( at async be (


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