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Posts posted by Fefe

  1. On 11/24/2023 at 7:19 AM, DrBazUK said:

    Has anyone successfully managed to get the traffic from this container routed through another container (VPN) - I've attempted to use SpaceInvader One's tutorial from 3 years ago to direct all traffic through Binhex's rtorrentvpn container but wasn't able to get it to work.


    I was able to bash in to the consolse and use "curl ifconfig.io" to confirm the IP address was updated to use the VPN endpoint but I couldn't then access the web ui at all.


    Didn't matter if I pointed all TA containers to use the proxy or just the TA server and left redis and ES on bridge.


    Any help very gratefully received.


    Going through the same hoops here. I got all instances on VPN but using localhost between TA and its dependencies didn't work. When I used the normal IP it did... before it suddenly stops after initializing redis and ES. The log doesn't stay up or spit out an error, it just stops immediately without saying what happened.



    Here's what I got from running docker start -ai TubeArchivist


    thunder lock: disabled (you can enable it with --thunder-lock)
    probably another instance of uWSGI is running on the same address (:8080).
    bind(): Address already in use [core/socket.c line 769]
    VACUUM: pidfile removed.


    And with that I set the following variable:

    TA_UWSGI_PORT: 8085 (instead of 8080)

    And I can access TubeArchivist from the VPN container.

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