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Posts posted by notfetus

  1. Hello all! I've recently been setting up a server for Minecraft, though my router doesn't allow port-forwarding. I don't mind buying a separate router if this isn't do-able but users on this forum have done what I'm about to mention.


    I have Surfshark VPN that I want to use in the VPN Manager built into unraid, but when I generate a set of private keys through unraid to put into Surfshark, or generate a set of keys on surfshark to throw into unraid, either way then i have no clue on where to put the server public key. Another thing is, after i generate the keys on either side respectively i then import a tunnel and put everything in its place. Also confused on why is said peer pre-shared key is mandatory and where to find that, is that the server public key it gives once you select a server?


    My question is, is there a walk-through/guide/write-up on this sort of stuff because when i use the surfshark network interface that's "setup" for Craft-4 it says there is no internet connection. I'm sort of lost on how to setup the VPN through surfshark with the built-in vpn manager because so far its been quite a headscratcher that is giving me grief. Hopefully my question makes sense!


    Any help is so greatly appreciated, cheers!

  2. 3 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

    That's not going to work, you can't have duplicate IP's on your network. You need to deal with that in your router, or whatever device is running the DHCP server.

    so just to reiterate a little, i have tried multiple different IP's including ones i have pinged and no device claims aswell, still the same outcome, it doenst matter what ip, how its setup, or any of that it still does the infinite loading until it fails to connect.

  3. 19 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

    Can you try GUI mode and see if it loads on the local monitor?

    the GUI mode just keeps blinking the _ but i cant type anything in it, nothing loads, but the regular OS mode still shows the same IP after restart still nothing is loading on the browser side when trying to connect to that IP

  4. 4 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Unraid doesn't do wifi

    I forgot to mention all attempts were hard wires including my horrible quote of using a hotspot. its a wired connection too. but i digress, i did have a monitor and keyboard hooked up, and at the end of the setup it sais what ipv4 to type into your browser. i typed it in and its infinitly loading. doesnt connect.

  5. Hello all! I've recently indulged with unraid on my home server, and to my surprise issues have arisen.


    I setup the USB with DCHP (have tried assigning a static unused ip on my network, didn't work) and once i boot off of that drive and setup unraid and it gives me the IP to connect to, that's where issues start. When TRY to connect to the IP it gives me it does an infinite loading screen on my browser unlike every video I've seen, and I've followed multiple videos to a T, it just wont connect to the server. Everything else in the installation works perfect and the server gets setup it just wont let me connect to the actual unraid root setup in the browser where i set a password. 


    Any help is greatly appreciated. 

    *I've also tried to setup the IP on a mobile hotspot, 2 COMPLETELY separate networks, and please excuse my lack of knowledge, this is all foreign to me..

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