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Posts posted by Fix

  1. thanks for looking.


    I reset the cmos, reverted bios to factory default, and combed through it looking for NIC options, but there is no option to enable or disable them, only support options for network booting. I also reseated the PCI NIC card, and reverted my unraid to 6.12.6 but still getting the same issue. Any other suggestions?


    Im about out of ideas short of installing another OS to at least figure out if its a hardware or software issue.

  2. Server has been working fine for like a month. I shut it down to replace 2 drives, and pulled out a video card (had 2 quadros) and half the ram. When booting back up unraid does not find my nics anymore.


    This is a supermicro server with onboard and an added 4 port nic. I have tried all ports with no success, but every port does function with IPMI so I know there is nothing physically wrong with them or the cables.


    I have tried deleting the network config to switch back to DHCP but still nothing. I have also tried looking at some of the logs files but not finding anything pointing me at what is wrong.


    Note that I do see ethtool says no link, but it definitely has once since IPMI works.


    any pointers in the right direction appreciated. Thank you.




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