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Posts posted by shdwkeeper

  1. On 3/16/2023 at 7:47 PM, taverty said:

    It has been a while.  But from what I remember I just exec'd into the container and ran the ./account_setting.pl script.  Pretty sure it asked for my password during that script run.  To Exec into the container run the following command at the unRAID command prompt:

    docker exec -it idrive /bin/bash

    The above command will bring you to a bash prompt inside the idrive docker container.


    Once at that prompt, run the following command:


    The directory in the idrive container should be: /opt/idrive/IDriveForLinux/scripts


    Once you're in the container you can run all the iDrive scripts as if you were running them on a standard Linux installation.

    Looks like once you ugrade to 3.2 you have to run ./idrive instead of ./account_setting Is that correct?  Also, any idea on how to get the Scheduler to work properly?

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