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Posts posted by lhh

  1. Hey everyone,


    I've started to get consistant server crashes, this can be when the server has been running a couple hours or a 5-10 minutes after rebooting from the previous crash. I am a bit out of my depth fixing this myself as my knowledge isn't great in this field unfortunatly so hopegully someone can help me.


    I've tried disabling / enabling dockers one by one and it still occurs no matter which are running. I've also disabled the docker completly.

    I have one HDD that is down currently that I haven't managed to replace yet but that has been down a while before the crashes started happening, so I don't believe that should effect it?


    One thing I have noticed is that sometimes when I'm on the GUI and clicking on the menus the server crashes as I presss the to load whichever menu I am going in. e.g when clicking apps menu / settings when trying to enable syslogs. or looking through settings. Though this could be a coinsidence as it does seem to crash randomly when I'm not usnng it and is idle it crashes and reboots. This repeates in 5-10min until it stays on for a longer period, which could be hours or 30min ect. It seems very inconsistant on how long it will stay on for.


    I have updated all plugins and dockers, as well as upgraded to 6.12.10 server in case that helped but the crahshes continue.


    I have managed to enable mirror syslog to flash drive and have attached diagnostics download but have no idea how to read myself so hopefully someone can help and give any advise what to try to resolve this.


    Thanks in advance for any help with this issue.



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