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  1. Has anyone else run into issues around creating a striped ZFS pool on the new Unraid 7 dashboard? Currently I select striped or mirrored ZFS pool and click apply and it just switches back to RaidZ as the only option
  2. Ok awesome, and would that be SSD's in a raid0 setup? Or are you meaning adding additional striped cache drives for the ZFS raid?
  3. Thanks for the reply! Is there anything that can be done to speed up the process of this? I.e. will adding more drives in a stripe help with the I/O? Just theoretically having 4 compared to 40? Or using an SSD raid instead? Or is it more so limited in the software and network?
  4. Hey all, I'm recently new to the world of Unraid so apologies if my terminology is a bit fresh. I've setup an Unraid server to act as an 'ingest' before transferring large file data to LTO tapes. The current setup is as follows: Data on the Unraid server -> 10g network switch -> mac mini (with 10g support) -> LTO tape drive When I transfer a single 50gb file to and from the Unraid server, I get solid 800MB/s speeds. However when I transfer a folder with lots of files in it, it crawls at between 80-150MB/s. I currently have a raid0 setup with 3 drives in ZFS as I read that this was the only configuration to get the full stripe speeds across multiple drives (otherwise you'd only cap yourself at the speed of 1 drive). I also managed to add a 1tb NVME cache to the ZFS raid, which has helped quite a bit (gone from 50-70MB/s to 150ish). I've been reading up on I/O and how smaller file sizes can impact the speed drastically, but am wondering if there is anything I can do to speed up the transfer of small file sizes. Will adding more drives to the raid or an additional cache help? Anything in the network settings?
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