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  1. @misterwiggles For a more correct & complete answer, view this: https://tailscale.com/compare/wireguard Essentially Tailscale is WireGuard, batteries-included. Instead of configuring WireGuard on every device you want to connect, you can just install the Tailscale app. There are trade-offs, of course, but generally Tailscale saves time & can minimize headaches. If you are happy with your WG setup and you don't need to fiddle with it, you won't gain anything by switching to Tailscale. On the other hand, if in the future you get annoyed when you need to add WG to a new device and try to remember all of the config options, or your networking changes and you need to update settings, or maybe you're rotating your keys, and you think to yourself, "man, this is an inconvenience!" - just remember that Tailscale is waiting for you...
  2. For sure something to think about - Following your current help page, the only part I missed was enabling TLS/SSL in the management options - I think the best option would just be to update the help page for now. I have been on a big tailscale-first kick, and even I get tripped up sometimes, so for newer users, a one-click option may just lead to more support required in this forum One option could be to add a link to the help tab from the main settings page - I didn't even realize the help tab had the info I needed until I googled enabling HTTPS for the server (because who looks at help pages, right?). As great as Tailscale is, my most frequent use is accessing on my phone, but it kills my iPhone's battery if I leave it always-on, and the "switch it on when a request goes to your.ts.net" has been wonky for me, so I personally hesitate at pushing users into it too easily who haven't already struggled through at least some of the learning required to understand the way Tailscale works and the potential drawbacks... I think that's where your help docs are a perfect in-between - not fully automated, but all of the requisite info is in the same place. Apologies for the stream of consciousness. And thanks for the plugin!
  3. hey @EDACerton, small suggestion in the "help" tab for the plugin. When I ran the script, I got an error that my hostname couldn't be uppercase. Since casing matters for receiving the cert, but not for using the domain, you could consider revising the script slightly: FQDN=$(hostname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').${LOCAL_TLD%%[[:cntrl:]]} This worked for me, and I didn't notice any adverse effects. Also, I believe I have it configured on my other server to run monthly - you could add a suggestion to configure that with the User Scripts plugin if it's needed (I assume it's still using LE here? I didn't check). Thanks! edit: Also, I found it in here by chance, but for anyone trying to access the unRAID web UI over your tailnet via HTTPS, once you've completed the HTTPS setup from the Tailscale plugin's help page, go to Settings > Management Access and enable "Use SSL/TLS". Note that you'll need to use https if connecting from the IP as well, and some browsers may have a fit with that.
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