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Posts posted by mazma

  1. I'd rebuild the image using the Dockerfile to run your script at build time or modify the CMD to include your script somehow. Does that suit your needs?

    I didn't build the image and have no idea how to :) So kinda stumped at this point. Prior to this I'd exec into the docker and start the script and leave it, but now the tower is headless so can't do it.

  2. I'd like to run a .sh script in the background when a docker image starts.


    Some suggestions I've seen are using crontab @reboot or calling the script from rc.local. I've tried both without success but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right anyway.


    Any suggestions would be appreciated.




    unRaid 6.0

  3. My server is maxed out on 2tb drives (parity + 9 data + cache) and don't have the space to add a spare drive to help with the FS migration. My cache drive houses my docker apps etc so curious on how I could proceed?


    unRaid 6.0-beta14b.

    You do not mention how much spare space you have on the array?  If you have enough then it is possible that moving data between drives could free up a drive to start the migration?


    If you do not have the free space then maybe now is not the right time to do the migration?  You might want to wait until you intend to install larger drives (which would give you the space you need for the migration).


    As was mentioned the alternative is to temporarily store files external to the unRAID system to free up the required space.

    The current drives don't have enough free space to swallow another drive (not even close). I have a new 4tb to replace a 2tb data drive but currently waiting on the parity expansion to finish. Guess what I'm confused about is if I replaced an existing data drive with a larger data drive and restore it it it will have the original FS on it. Think I need to do some more reading :)

  4. So I've installed the docker app and the crash plan app on my mac. I've updated the ui-properties file on my mac. Are you still supposed to select which shares to backup via the Crash Plan app?


    If I want to actually use the service for my mac I have to restore the ui-properties file on my mac which in turn would stop the backup on UnRaid? So basically there isn't a way to have both running ?


    On another note, my array is 18tb or so. Anyone backed up that size and how long did it take?

  5. Is the Lian Li D8000 the best option of 20+ disk case if you don't want a rack case? Thing is I noticed its discontinued on New Egg.


    I currently have 11 disks, I can fit one more in at a push  - don't want to go to two boxes plus I'd like to eventually go virtualized.

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