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Posts posted by fatsindey

  1. On 9/8/2020 at 7:55 AM, Marcjwebb said:

    Hi all, please be gentle as still very new to unraid, but getting somewhere, i think within 24hrs of install.


    I have been trying to set up openvpn server so that i can access my nas away from home, however if i click on the OpenVPN-AS and select WebUI, no matter what browser, caches and history cleared, restarting the browsers, it just wont load the page, anyone able to help, as google has not returned any working solutions.

    so, my config somehow got reset again so I am trying to follow the setup instructions from spaceinvaderone's video and ran into this issue. Initially i was successful using port 9443 until I did the first configuration change then i was able to use port 943 after rebooting. I hope this helps.  Next for me is to figure out this Activation Manager i see now.  




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