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Posts posted by josh1014

  1. I have been running pihole docker container on unraid for years.  When I upgraded to 6.12.4, my server began crashing regularly. I isolated the issue to pihole as it stopped crashing when I kept the pihole offline.  Upon further forum reading, I learned of the call trace issues.  Pihole is my only container that was running with a custom IP on br0.  I changed to ipvlan, and started the pihole as a custom IP on eth0.  It has been working fine in general, but periodically throughout the day, it will become unresponsive for 30 seconds to 2 minutes, rendering my devices unable to resolve external addresses and load websites.  During the downtime, the unraid UI is accessible, other docker containers are accessible, but the pihole webUI is not.  From the console inside the pihole container, I can access the log and nothing exciting is happening.  I have looked at the pihole logs and diagnostics and see nothing of interest.  The unraid syslog is also silent during these brief periods.  

    Any suggestions on how I can look deeper into what is causing this one container to temporarily become unresponsive periodically throughout the day?

  2. Hello, wondering if an expert can immediately identify the problem here to save me some time messing with my app subfolder conf. 

    I have my webapp accessible via https://mydomain.duckdns.org:444/appname/

    this successfully brings you to the login page for this webapp. Once you submit your credentials, you get sent to:



    instead of 




    if you go ahead and add the port back in then you’re fine the rest of the way, but that initial login causes the port to disappear from the URL. 


    location ^~ /appname {
    auth_basic “Restricted”;

    auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;

    include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;

    proxy_pass http://appname:80;



    Any ideas what I need to add to solve this? Thanks!

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