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Posts posted by JMO

  1. Hi,


    I suppose this thread is as good as any for posting feedback on this container. I've switched from Needo's SAB to try this out and while the process has been fairly painless, and the updated interface is somewhat refreshing, I do have a some criticisms of the overall UI.


    In general, the UI is pretty good, however there are a few issues that I have found bothersome:


    1. Status and interface options>Web Interface. We may only have one extra queue column. This feels pretty arbitrary and I find it actually quite annoying. I like to see both the "category" and "priority" columns, but now I can't.


    2. The multi-operations button (and subsequently, the means by which job priorities are changed). Earlier I had occasion to change the priority of 12 episodes of a television series. I clicked multi-operations to bring up the check-boxes, scrolled back up my queue (because bringing up the check-boxes dumps you to the bottom of the page),  selected my episodes, scrolled back down, changed priority to high. Bob's your uncle. Too many steps, too much moving up and down the page.


    Additionally, I had the misfortune to click the check all button while I was just scrolling around the bottom of the page...which then set ALL my jobs to high priority. It was a learning experience that highlights another issue...


    3. The priority dropdown box. If you use the multi-operation dropdown at the bottom of the page to change some job priorities and then wish to change some other jobs to different priorities you have to go to the top of the page, click the multi-operation button (to remove the check-boxes), click it again to bring them back, set the job priority, scroll back up and select the jobs. After which you then have to remember to click the multi-operations button to remove the check-boxes (or you can manually deselect all the jobs you just changed priority for)...just to be safe.


    4. No text box to filter jobs. It is needed.


    5. Why is job management split between the footer and header of the page? I've alluded to it already, having the functional parts of the multi-operations at the bottom of the page feels like bad design.


    Having said all that, it may be that there is functionaality that I have not quite discovered yet, or a workflow that I've not quite gotten used to that is detracting from my experience, so feel free to reply with suggestions :).


    Please take these comments as constructive criticism. I am very appreciative of the work that the Linuxserver.io team puts into the docker community.




    not only do we not develop sabnzbd app itself, but this is all the more amusing given that you can easily change back to the old webui anyways.


    Hardly the point, is it. Feedback is feedback, just in this case it was misplaced. I've been enlightened as to the development process, that should have been sufficient enough a response.

  2. Hi,


    I suppose this thread is as good as any for posting feedback on this container. I've switched from Needo's SAB to try this out and while the process has been fairly painless, and the updated interface is somewhat refreshing, I do have a some criticisms of the overall UI.


    In general, the UI is pretty good, however there are a few issues that I have found bothersome:


    1. Status and interface options>Web Interface. We may only have one extra queue column. This feels pretty arbitrary and I find it actually quite annoying. I like to see both the "category" and "priority" columns, but now I can't.


    2. The multi-operations button (and subsequently, the means by which job priorities are changed). Earlier I had occasion to change the priority of 12 episodes of a television series. I clicked multi-operations to bring up the check-boxes, scrolled back up my queue (because bringing up the check-boxes dumps you to the bottom of the page),  selected my episodes, scrolled back down, changed priority to high. Bob's your uncle. Too many steps, too much moving up and down the page.


    Additionally, I had the misfortune to click the check all button while I was just scrolling around the bottom of the page...which then set ALL my jobs to high priority. It was a learning experience that highlights another issue...


    3. The priority dropdown box. If you use the multi-operation dropdown at the bottom of the page to change some job priorities and then wish to change some other jobs to different priorities you have to go to the top of the page, click the multi-operation button (to remove the check-boxes), click it again to bring them back, set the job priority, scroll back up and select the jobs. After which you then have to remember to click the multi-operations button to remove the check-boxes (or you can manually deselect all the jobs you just changed priority for)...just to be safe.


    4. No text box to filter jobs. It is needed.


    5. Why is job management split between the footer and header of the page? I've alluded to it already, having the functional parts of the multi-operations at the bottom of the page feels like bad design.


    Having said all that, it may be that there is functionaality that I have not quite discovered yet, or a workflow that I've not quite gotten used to that is detracting from my experience, so feel free to reply with suggestions :).


    Please take these comments as constructive criticism. I am very appreciative of the work that the Linuxserver.io team puts into the docker community.




    Are you actually being serious?!


    You know we don't develop sabnzbd right?  We just package it into a docker.


    From what I understand your complaints are to do with the updated sabnzbd webui, so would be far better placed directed at the sabnbzd developer.  As linked in the first post.


    Clearly I was not aware of that. I'm not a programmer. I have no idea what the process of docker development, or app development for that matter, is.


    I'll take the feedback where it belongs.

  3. Hi,


    I suppose this thread is as good as any for posting feedback on this container. I've switched from Needo's SAB to try this out and while the process has been fairly painless, and the updated interface is somewhat refreshing, I do have a some criticisms of the overall UI.


    In general, the UI is pretty good, however there are a few issues that I have found bothersome:


    1. Status and interface options>Web Interface. We may only have one extra queue column. This feels pretty arbitrary and I find it actually quite annoying. I like to see both the "category" and "priority" columns, but now I can't.


    2. The multi-operations button (and subsequently, the means by which job priorities are changed). Earlier I had occasion to change the priority of 12 episodes of a television series. I clicked multi-operations to bring up the check-boxes, scrolled back up my queue (because bringing up the check-boxes dumps you to the bottom of the page),  selected my episodes, scrolled back down, changed priority to high. Bob's your uncle. Too many steps, too much moving up and down the page.


    Additionally, I had the misfortune to click the check all button while I was just scrolling around the bottom of the page...which then set ALL my jobs to high priority. It was a learning experience that highlights another issue...


    3. The priority dropdown box. If you use the multi-operation dropdown at the bottom of the page to change some job priorities and then wish to change some other jobs to different priorities you have to go to the top of the page, click the multi-operation button (to remove the check-boxes), click it again to bring them back, set the job priority, scroll back up and select the jobs. After which you then have to remember to click the multi-operations button to remove the check-boxes (or you can manually deselect all the jobs you just changed priority for)...just to be safe.


    4. No text box to filter jobs. It is needed.


    5. Why is job management split between the footer and header of the page? I've alluded to it already, having the functional parts of the multi-operations at the bottom of the page feels like bad design.


    Having said all that, it may be that there is functionaality that I have not quite discovered yet, or a workflow that I've not quite gotten used to that is detracting from my experience, so feel free to reply with suggestions :).


    Please take these comments as constructive criticism. I am very appreciative of the work that the Linuxserver.io team puts into the docker community.



    Linuxserver (and all docker template maintainers for that matter) do not write the actual app themselves.  They merely package it.


    This would need to be posted on Sab's forum.  You can get to their page by hitting "Project Page" from within CA on the app


    Thanks for the information.

  4. Hi,


    I suppose this thread is as good as any for posting feedback on this container. I've switched from Needo's SAB to try this out and while the process has been fairly painless, and the updated interface is somewhat refreshing, I do have a some criticisms of the overall UI.


    In general, the UI is pretty good, however there are a few issues that I have found bothersome:


    1. Status and interface options>Web Interface. We may only have one extra queue column. This feels pretty arbitrary and I find it actually quite annoying. I like to see both the "category" and "priority" columns, but now I can't.


    2. The multi-operations button (and subsequently, the means by which job priorities are changed). Earlier I had occasion to change the priority of 12 episodes of a television series. I clicked multi-operations to bring up the check-boxes, scrolled back up my queue (because bringing up the check-boxes dumps you to the bottom of the page),  selected my episodes, scrolled back down, changed priority to high. Bob's your uncle. Too many steps, too much moving up and down the page.


    Additionally, I had the misfortune to click the check all button while I was just scrolling around the bottom of the page...which then set ALL my jobs to high priority. It was a learning experience that highlights another issue...


    3. The priority dropdown box. If you use the multi-operation dropdown at the bottom of the page to change some job priorities and then wish to change some other jobs to different priorities you have to go to the top of the page, click the multi-operation button (to remove the check-boxes), click it again to bring them back, set the job priority, scroll back up and select the jobs. After which you then have to remember to click the multi-operations button to remove the check-boxes (or you can manually deselect all the jobs you just changed priority for)...just to be safe.


    4. No text box to filter jobs. It is needed.


    5. Why is job management split between the footer and header of the page? I've alluded to it already, having the functional parts of the multi-operations at the bottom of the page feels like bad design.


    Having said all that, it may be that there is functionaality that I have not quite discovered yet, or a workflow that I've not quite gotten used to that is detracting from my experience, so feel free to reply with suggestions :).


    Please take these comments as constructive criticism. I am very appreciative of the work that the Linuxserver.io team puts into the docker community.






  5. Hi,


    I have an issue with LL where I can no longer longer access the webui.


    This site can’t be reached

  refused to connect.


    I haven't changed any settings, although I think there may have been an auto-update occur. Regardless, it was working and now it isn't, with no input from me.



    Tried restarting, tried forced update, any suggestions?


  6. Hi,


    I have an SSD that I would like to mount on an internal USB 3.0 header. I haven't decided on a specific purpose for the device as yet, just sort of testing that I can get it working  first.


    I am running unRAID 6.1.7 and Unassigned Devices plugin 2016.01.20. I did initially have an older version of the UD plugin, from the original author,  that had some "issues". I have since uninstalled, rebooted and updated to my current version.


    Things start out well, the drive appears on the Main tab in unRAID and I have successfully formatted (xfs), renamed (VERTEX2_120gb) and mounted the drive all using the UD plugin. Here's a summary of the current plugin/drive settings:


    Destructive Mode: Disabled

    Enable SMB Security: No

    Enable NSF Export: Yes

    Automount: On

    Share: On


    The drive shows up fine on my network shares and I am able to rw without any dramas.


    My first real test has been to try and use the drive as a transcode location for the Limetech Plex docker. I used the Container volume /transcode.


    When I attempted to edit the docker settings the drive did not show up in my Host path. AFAIK it should be located at: /mnt/disk/VERTEX2_120gb/. (N.B. I did restart Docker after mounting the the SSD as my understanding is that Docker would not be aware of any drives that are mounted after it has started).


    In an effort to try and work around this I manually typed the location into my Host path hoping that this would effect a positive result. However, in all my testing on Plex, I have not been able to generate any activity on the drive and in fact, if I specify the transcode location (https://app.plex.tv/web/app#!/settings/server/.../transcoder) in Plex as /transcode all of my content refuses to play.


    I should also mention that initially I had renamed the drive "OCZ_SSD" and tried to use this as my host path (/mnt/disk/OCZ_SSD/), using the same manual method already mentioned. Now this might be expected behaviour, but when I currently attempt to browse to the SSD via Host path, in any docker, they all remember these manual entries. So I have two manually entered options of:








    I get the feeling that as far as unRAID is concerned, neither of these locations have ever existed.


    Does anybody have any guidance they would care to offer?





    This is how I am connecting the drive:


    StarTech USB3S2SAT3CB USB 3.0 to 2.5" SATA III Hard Drive Adapter Cable w/ UASP (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812400542)

    Lian Li UC-01 USB 3.0 to 20-pin Adapter (http://www.lian-li.com/en/dt_portfolio/uc-01/)


    Unassigned Devices are not mounted to /mnt/disk/ or /mnt/user/ and are not recognized as array managed shares.  Unassigned Devices are mounted to /mnt/disks/ so your drive would be at /mnt/disks/VERTEX2_120gb.


    You don't have to share the drive to see it on the local computer and use it in a Docker.

    Referencing a drive / smb mount within docker may also require a restart of the entire docker engine for those mounts to be recognized within a container


    You guys are quick.


    I listed the share information for the sake of completeness, but thanks for the heads-up.


    /mnt/disks/ is empty when I browse in the host path. I again tried entering the location manually, but still cannot generate any activity on the drive during media playback. The dirve is showing as "spun-down" in unRAID.


    I realise it was ambiguous in my first post, but when I "did restart Docker" it was the Docker engine, and not just the Plex Docker.


    In the past few minutes I have restarted Docker again, and also restarted the Plex docker to no avail.




    Docker setting | Plex Setting| unRAID Main Tab



    EDIT 2:


    So it now appears to be working. An additional entry appeared under  /mnt/disks/. You can see in the screengrab my two manual entries, and then a third system generated one (the one with the transcode folder). What is weird is that on my Windows machine, \\TOWER\VERTEX2_ 120gb is empty (and stays empty during playback that is being transcoded).



    Progress has been made.


    Follow up attempt with the same file, no activity on the drive. Further, if I browse the drive in unRAID (by clicking on it on the Main tab), it shows as empty. Hmmm.

  7. Hi,


    I have an SSD that I would like to mount on an internal USB 3.0 header. I haven't decided on a specific purpose for the device as yet, just sort of testing that I can get it working  first.


    I am running unRAID 6.1.7 and Unassigned Devices plugin 2016.01.20. I did initially have an older version of the UD plugin, from the original author,  that had some "issues". I have since uninstalled, rebooted and updated to my current version.


    Things start out well, the drive appears on the Main tab in unRAID and I have successfully formatted (xfs), renamed (VERTEX2_120gb) and mounted the drive all using the UD plugin. Here's a summary of the current plugin/drive settings:


    Destructive Mode: Disabled

    Enable SMB Security: No

    Enable NSF Export: Yes

    Automount: On

    Share: On


    The drive shows up fine on my network shares and I am able to rw without any dramas.


    My first real test has been to try and use the drive as a transcode location for the Limetech Plex docker. I used the Container volume /transcode.


    When I attempted to edit the docker settings the drive did not show up in my Host path. AFAIK it should be located at: /mnt/disk/VERTEX2_120gb/. (N.B. I did restart Docker after mounting the the SSD as my understanding is that Docker would not be aware of any drives that are mounted after it has started).


    In an effort to try and work around this I manually typed the location into my Host path hoping that this would effect a positive result. However, in all my testing on Plex, I have not been able to generate any activity on the drive and in fact, if I specify the transcode location (https://app.plex.tv/web/app#!/settings/server/.../transcoder) in Plex as /transcode all of my content refuses to play.


    I should also mention that initially I had renamed the drive "OCZ_SSD" and tried to use this as my host path (/mnt/disk/OCZ_SSD/), using the same manual method already mentioned. Now this might be expected behaviour, but when I currently attempt to browse to the SSD via Host path, in any docker, they all remember these manual entries. So I have two manually entered options of:








    I get the feeling that as far as unRAID is concerned, neither of these locations have ever existed.


    Does anybody have any guidance they would care to offer?





    This is how I am connecting the drive:


    StarTech USB3S2SAT3CB USB 3.0 to 2.5" SATA III Hard Drive Adapter Cable w/ UASP (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812400542)

    Lian Li UC-01 USB 3.0 to 20-pin Adapter (http://www.lian-li.com/en/dt_portfolio/uc-01/)


  8. Just thought I'd bump this to mention that someone had some data lost to this issue today. See here.


    And now again today...me. At least I think that is what has happened.


    Is this for fucking real? Like seriously, I lost some <i>irreplaceable</i> files because of this known issue? Where is this mentioned in the wiki when discussing moving files?


    So pissed off right now.


    Small chunk of stuff that wasn't in the cloud yet...gone gone gone.

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