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Posts posted by sheppp

  1. An alternative way to do this without changing the static IP address on your UnRaid server is to go into your eero app, go to "Settings", "Network Settings", "DHCP & NAT", and click on "Manual IP". You can then do the following:

    -Ensure that your "IP address prefix" matches that of your old server (example: if your previous router's IP was, you should use the "" default prefix for this eero setting).

    -Set the "Subnet IP" to that which was on your previous router (example: if your previous router's IP was, the "Subnet IP" in this eero field would be

    -Set the "Subnet Mask" to (the eero app default will likely be, but don't use it or you won't be able to save the eero app's manual IP configuration)

    -Set the "Starting IP" to that which your old router started with, PLUS a number which is more than the total of number eero devices that you plan to use (router and satellites). This is because the eero devices will automatically be given IP addresses starting with xxx.xxx.x.1 - and increase from there. (ex: if you plan to use 5 eero devices, you should set this "Starting IP" value ABOVE xxx.xxx.x.5 - I would set it higher than that in case you want to add more eero devices later. To be on the safe side, I would start at xxx.xxx.x.20, or in this case,

    -Set the "Ending IP" value to the same number as your previous router ended with (example: xxx.xxx.x.254 or in this case,

    -Click "Save", then "Reboot" when prompted - and wait several minutes.


    After this, you will see that you will be able to locate your UnRaid server by typing its old static IP address into your web browser.


    BTW, after being in the chaotically inconsistent and problematic Netgear Orbi world for many years, I have found the eero environment much, much more user-friendly and reliable. The eero Pro 6e night is still very young, though ...

  2. I ran the check and received this message:



    "reiserfsck --check started at Sun Sep 15 22:19:56 2019


    Replaying journal:

    Replaying journal: Done.

    Reiserfs journal '/dev/md10' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed

    Checking internal tree..  finished

    Comparing bitmaps..Bad nodes were found, Semantic pass skipped

    1 found corruptions can be fixed only when running with --rebuild-tree


    reiserfsck finished at Sun Sep 15 23:29:34 2019


    block 903401453: The level of the node (15518) is not correct, (2) expected

     the problem in the internal node occured (903401453), whole subtree is skipped

    vpf-10640: The on-disk and the correct bitmaps differs."


    I have never run --rebuild-tree before. Does anybody have any suggestions re how to do/fix this? Thanks.

  3. I have had my Unraid server for many years with no major issues. Today, I found that I cannot write to my the server from any of my Windows machines. I get a "Error 0x8000FFFF: Catastrophic failure" whenever I attempt to do so - with my cache drive turned off on my shares (I can write to the server when the cache drive is on, however, my cache drive is not moving data onto the shares. I could, however, move files from my cache drive to a share via Midnight Commander. I checked the syslog (see attached) and found the following:


    "Sep 15 12:38:25 UR1 kernel: REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 15518 does not match to the expected one 2 Sep 15 12:38:25 UR1 kernel: REISERFS error (device md10): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 903401453. Fsck? Sep 15 12:38:25 UR1 kernel: REISERFS (device md10): Remounting filesystem read-only Sep 15 12:38:25 UR1 kernel: REISERFS error (device md10): vs-2140 finish_unfinished: search_by_key returned -2"


    "Sep 15 12:56:14 UR1 root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Unable to write to disk13 Sep 15 12:56:14 UR1 kernel: REISERFS error (device md14): reiserfs-2025 reiserfs_cache_bitmap_metadata: bitmap block 753664 is corrupted: first bit must be 1"


    I have rebooted the server and NONE of the disks are red-balled.


    If you have any ideas re how to possibly resolve this, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.



  4. I don't know if NTFS on Unraid is a format that can be written to, although I know you can read it.

    You have to use ntfs-3g to write. I do it all the time. Unassigned devices works for this.

    it's all complicated stuff that mythtv.


    I just formatted a drive in my Windows box with "plain" NTFS and transferred it to my UnRaid box. I then mounted it via the "Unassigned Devices" plugin as a non-array drive. After this, I mapped the /var/lib/mythtv/ location to the NTFS drive (in the MythTV docker/container) with no issues. For a non-Linux guy like me, it's fantastic because I don't have to mess with the Linux command line AND all of my recordings are easily accessible/playable/archivable via my Windows boxes.


    I finally found out what my problem was re not being able to record from the on-screen guide - and it was on my end. For whatever reason I never created a "Directory" in the "Default" group within "Storage Directories". Once I did this, I had instant success. I'm really sorry for wasting your time on this. Hopefully, however, somebody else will benefit from my idiocy. Thanks again for all of your help.


    Sparkly, at the risk of increasing the size of your already exploded skull, you are back to being brilliant. Sorry that I every doubted you!




    One of my MythTV problems has mysteriously cleared up with a simple reboot of my UnRaid box! I'm sorry that I didn't try that earlier. I now get livetv to transfer to my non-array drive.


    Thus, the only problem that I have left to resolve is why I cannot record via my onscreen guide. Again, live tv records with no problems AND I when I switch over to my other Ubuntu MythTV stand-alone box, I can record via the onscreen guide from it. I am utilizing Kodi on the same client computer (I merely change the IP in the Myth add-on), so I doubt that Kodi is the problem.


    Again, when I remote into the MythTV docker, I don't seen any recordings from the onscreen guide in any of the var/lib/mythtv sub-folders (the live tv recordings are there so I know that something is working). Thus, I don't think that it is a docker mapping problem. Regardless, here are my current MythTV docker mappings (the "disks/ST31000340AS_9QJ0MD34-part2" partition is my non-array drive):


    /home/mythtv /mnt/cache/.docker/myth/

    /db /mnt/cache/.docker/myth/data/

    /var/lib/mythtv /mnt/disks/ST31000340AS_9QJ0MD34-part2/myth/


    Thanks in advance for any suggestions that you might have.

  7. What volume mappings do you have now?


    From telnet or console

    ls -lah /mnt


    Linux 4.0.4-unRAID.

    Last login: Mon Aug 31 20:04:50 -0700 2015 on /dev/pts/0.

    root@UR2:~# ls -lah /mnt

    total 0

    drwxr-xr-x 21 root  root  420 Aug 31 20:04 ./

    drwxr-xr-x 18 root  root  380 Aug 31 20:03 ../

    drwxrwxrwx  4 nobody users  32 Aug 30 15:13 cache/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Aug 20 22:23 disk1/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Apr 13  2013 disk10/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Mar  1  2014 disk11/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Apr 11  2014 disk12/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Nov 21  2014 disk13/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Aug 21 15:03 disk14/

    drwxrwxrwx  3 nobody users  21 Aug 30 21:57 disk15/

    drwxrwxrwx  6 nobody users 144 Apr  6  2014 disk2/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Apr  6 06:51 disk3/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Sep 28  2013 disk4/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Apr  6  2014 disk5/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Aug 24  2013 disk6/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Mar 10  2013 disk7/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Sep  7  2013 disk8/

    drwxrwxrwx  7 nobody users 168 Feb 22  2013 disk9/

    drwxrwxrwx  3 root  root  60 Aug 31 20:04 disks/

    drwxrwxrwx  1 nobody users  32 Aug 30 21:57 user/

    drwxrwxrwx  1 nobody users 168 Aug 30 21:57 user0/



    The "disks" drive is my non-array drive that I mounted with "Unassigned Devices".




    No promises, I'll try and take a look, but pretty busy this week..


    No problem. In the big scheme of things and life this whole virtual TV thing is pretty meaningless. Nonetheless, now that I'm into it this far, I'm determined to figure it out somehow. Many thanks for your valuable time and input.

  9. Did you ever try reformatting your drive as xfs?  Been thinking about it and the MythTV docker is almost a OS inside a docker, so it might make sense to try a Linux natively compatible file system.

    Yes, I re-formatted it last night as XFS and re-mounted it via "Unassigned Devices" - but nothing changed. It shows up as a separate drive when I go into my UnRaid box via Windows too. Yet, when I map to it via the Myth docker (by clicking in the box and navigating to it vs. manually typing the text, so as to avoid transcription errors), nothing transfers into it (which, because of my OS guide recordings issue, would only be my livetv files).
  10. Thanks CHBMB. I saw Saarg's TVHeadEnd docker post/thread, but it looked as if there were still some loose ends, so I decided not to mess with it. Besides, I was somewhat familiar with the Myth interface.


    Perhaps I'll have to re-consider - after I figure out Sparkly's "smooth talking beast" ways to buy me some more time at home ...


    get in there and show her who's the boss.

    CHBMB, my guess is that Sparkly likely has several tents - in addition to a sizable alimony payment - that he could loan to you.


    It shouldn't make a jot of difference where you point the recordings folder, I use TVHeadEnd and can successfully point to a non-array drive (Have done in the past) The mount point makes no difference.


    My stand-alone Myth box points to a separate drive as well. Are you using TVHeadEnd in a VM or a docker?

  12. Trurl: I'll post my latest mappings when I get home tonight PST (provided that I still have a home and family to go back to - after wasting my life away the past couple of days trying to figure this out). Thanks for the cmd line text - when it comes to Linux, I'm a bumbling idiot (which is partially why I originally wanted to format my non-array drive as NTFS because it simplifies things for me).


    Johnodon: Thanks much for your volume mappings. They give me something else to try. If all else fails, I'll probably have to place my recordings on the array as well (provided that I can get them to record properly) unless somebody comes up with a way to successfully point to a non-array drive.


    CHBMB: I'm using 6.0.1 (not any of the 6.1 RC versions). You are correct re suspecting a setting in Kodi (v15.1), however, I have Myth working fine via a separate Ubuntu box AND when I point back to it, I have no problems with recordings. BTW, I merely copied most of those settings into the docker version of Myth - although it's certainly possible that I screwed something up when I did it.


    Again, thanks much to all of you for taking your time to help me. It is appreciated more than you know!



  13. Thanks for the suggestions. I changed the mappings - but, still am unable to get recordings from the on-screen guide to work. Again, the "livetv" is working - files ARE created in the /var/lib/mythtv/livetv/ folder when I watch tv (and show up in the corresponding mapped folder - so long as I'm not using the non-array drive). However, despite the fact that Kodi displays "recorded" tv programs (made via the on-screen guide) within Kodi (under "TV Recordings"), whenever I click on them I get nothing AND I can find no actual files/recordings within the mythtv docker (or any mapped location).


    I also re-formatted my non-array drive as XFS and remounted it using the "Unassigned Devices" plugin, but that didn't change anything. Nothing shows up in the drives folders/subfolders - including "livetv" recordings.

  14. Here are my docker mappings:

    /home/mythtv    -      /mnt/cache/.docker/myth/

    /db    -      /mnt/cache/.docker/myth/data/

    /var/lib/mythtv        -            /mnt/cache/.docker/myth/


    All of the mappings within the MythTV docker backend "Storage Group" directories are:











  15. Thanks. I now have a couple of issues:

    1. Although my DVR is recording live tv (and I can see the files in the docker's var/lib/mythtv/livetv folder), it is not recording tv shows when I "start recording" via the OS guide (I'm using Schedules Direct and Kodi). I changed all of my permissions for the mythtv folder in my docker to full control, however, it didn't make any difference. Any thoughts?

    2. I was able to mount a non-array drive, however, when I map the var/lib/mythtv to it, the live tv files no longer show up inside of the livetv folder on the non-array drive (they are still inside of the docker folder). The drive is formatted with NTFS. Could this be the problem? Does it to be formatted with either ext4 or xfs to map successfully to it?

  16. This MythTV docker is fantastic!! Thanks much.


    I don't want to spin up my array every time that I use the DVR. Is there a way to point to a recordings folder on a non-array drive? If so, how do you do it? Also, is XFS the optimal way to format a separate drive? If so, is there a simple way/command to format a drive as such - without adding it to the array?

  17. I just attempted to preclear 8 drives simultaneously via Putty/Screen on one SUPERMICRO AOC-SASLP-MV8 card (on a new UnRaid box). The process terminated prematurely after a couple of hours.


    I attached the syslog. I'm not sure how to interpret it. The colors in UnMenu indicate that the problems are drive-related, however, I doubt that all 8 drives are bad.


    Is this kind of result expected? If so, what do you think is the maximum number of drives that I can preclear at one time on one of these cards? Are you aware of other reasonably priced cards that can preclear more drives at once?


    If you don't think that it is the card, could it be the new MB (SuperMicro X9SCM-F-O)?


    Whatever input you have will be greatly appreciated.


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